Recent content by OrangeSkull49

  1. OrangeSkull49

    Delayed Enemy Reactions

    So I've been playing Fallout Fixt and when trying to get the game to run better I tried renaming the draw folder to no avail. Thing is though that this apparently caused enemy reaction's to initiating combat slightly delayed. Enemies such as Decker, Vincent, and Vicious that is. Can somebody...
  2. OrangeSkull49

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Now my game crashes everytime I move on the map screen.
  3. OrangeSkull49

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    You mean adjusting my resolution? The screen tearing and stuttering gets pretty bad when I make the resolution even higher.
  4. OrangeSkull49

    How to get Fallout 1 running smoothly on Windows 10?

    I should have read the rules clearer before posting. My bad.
  5. OrangeSkull49

    How to get Fallout 1 running smoothly on Windows 10?

    I've been trying to get this game to run good on my laptop, but I encounter screen tearing, audio bugs, and occasional stutters. Anyone know what the problem is? Btw I'm using the Fixt mod with the high res patch enabled. I also tried switching it to Direct X9 to no avail.
  6. OrangeSkull49

    Having screen tearing and stuttering issues.

    Like the title says. Whenever I move my cursor to look through an area I encounter moderate screen tearing as well as a little choppyness. I'm playing via the Fixt mod on Windows 10. Any clue as to what may be the problem? Tried Direct-X9 to no avail as well as renamed the ddraw file. Also the...
  7. OrangeSkull49

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    All I have are two issues that I'm looking for a quick fix to. I'm running this mod on a Win 10 laptop with some minor screen tearing and stutters when I move my cursor. It just doesn't feel as smooth as it should. Also whenever I adjust the combat speed it keeps reverting back to default.