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  • There are few things worse than long hair models in a game without hair physics.
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    I don't know, I can excuse hair most of the time. But its the oiled up shiny skin whenever a game tries to be hyper realistic that gets me miffed. Watched my little cousin play Dragon Age 3 and everyone looks like they were dipped in slime.
    But hey, I'd rather some stiff long hair than being stuck with a wide selection of leck length hairstyles because the devs were deathly afraid of clipping issues.
    The waxy look is another reason why I don't like FCO. No idea why they think realistic=shiny, like in "realistic" shaders for minecraft the ground gets a wet texture when it rains and it looks like its covered in aluminium foil.
    Those idiots that insist games should only be escapism and never be "political" are the absolute worst
    I talking about games being more than just mindless escapist entertainment, thats why "political" is in inverted commas. Besides stuff like COD has an agenda and gamers aren't complaining about that.
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    I don't particularly enjoy hamfisted politics in my games, but as long as everyone has access to the medium so they can brag about how little their asshole stinks or whatever I am content with that.
    I swear, if you're trying to say CoD is pushing a pro war agenda...
    Why does almost every single character have a really irritating voice, is it a Bethesda gaem thing?
    They have "characteristic" voices. It really grinds my gears, and was one of the first things I noticed playing New Vegas, "my god these people sound like real people!", then FO4 came and they "corrected" it back to these caricaturish cartoony voices
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    The worst thing is, when they use accents, like in the new Assasin Creed. Everyone. Greek. Accent ... what the fuck. Why do people think that this is actually immersive? Or even usefull.
    Hehe, reminds me of the Polish accent in Schindler's List.
    I bought Fallout 3 in the GOG sale just so I can see how bad it is compared to 1, 2 and NV
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