Prone Squanderer
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  • Playing Half-Life 2 again, but this time with NPC weapons doing the same damage as the player's. Combine shotgunners keep kicking my ass.
    Found my copy of MGS2 Substance, with the Document disc as well. Listening to MGS2's BGM is sweet.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    I still need to play through the HD version I have.
    Ever notice when someone is quoted in the news predicting something bad they're always a former chairman/director/*insert job title here*?
    There's always that one co-worker who keeps forgetting to do the simplest of tasks then goes "Oh, I forgot" every time.
    Or the 3 people who wanna work at 1/5 the speed they should be.
    Or the one person who works at 1/5 speed and then makes a joke about slacking
    I read a news article today about young people hating the term "snowflake" and claiming it's harming their mental health.
    LMAO really!?!??!
    i mean i dont call people snowflakes, but saying it harms your mental health?
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    "Calling someone a snowflake is just a sign that you are some loser who gets his identity from 4Chan and Breitbart."

    I hate those kinds of people. They're so triggered by the existence of millennials they're determined to turn the entire planet into a safe space.
    SOMA now has a safe mode. The monsters are not that difficult once you learn their patterns, but I guess most disagree.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Hey, the more choice, the better. SOMA was more atmospheric than jump scare-focused anyways, from what I heard, so this shouldn't be too much of a radical shift.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    It is more atmospheric, but I feel the monsters still add something to the tragedy of the story. To have them frightening but not hostile seems weird to me and I bet the only reason it's being implemented is because too many people cried about them being too hard.
    Which is more cartoonish: The Enclave (Fallout 2) or the Institute?
    Enclave to be honest, but they are a good cartoon. The Institute is like someone's horrible napkin drawing stuck to the floor at a Denny's.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I guess I was just more disappointed with the Enclave than the Institute. I expected the Institute to suck. I didn't expect the Enclave to suck.
    Institute. Enclave are cartoonish but not badly written like Insti.
    No I wanted orange, it gave me lemon-lime.
    I'm having so much fun with Empire at War, didn't realize I've been playing for 2 hours.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    That's a Star Wars RTS, right?
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    That's right. It has it's issues but once you get going it's quite enjoyable.
    Am I the only one who thinks Lonesome Road had too many nukes in it? Why weren't they launched in 2077? Not to mention the warheads.
    Not sure if all the nukes could even make it up in time if we got hit early.
    Plus Fallout has nukes everywhere. They use them for starting fires and shit.
    It could have been because of the Big MT meteorologic experiment that went wrong and created the extreme dust storms. Maybe those storms interfered with the sensors and didn't pick up the enemy nukes.
    Or it could have been because they didn't have the launch mechanism (the Courier only delivers it many decades after the bombs fell)
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