Prone Squanderer
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  • That moment when you realize disabling your mods temporarily has fucked up your saves.
    One of my best saves ever - my "dragon-chasing" kind of save, was an old Civ3 save, where I started out as America, on a real world map, and managed to conquer the whole Americas, parts of Europe, and northern Africa. From there on, it became a nightmare of exponentiality, perpetual frontier war, and no gains for either party (very 1984-esque), played that shit for weeks!
    I did the same with Civ 5. My OCD takes over far too often though.
    I restart civ-games very quickly, I get bored fast, which is why I miss that one save, cus I really put a lot of effort and emotional investment in it :D
    Yes or no: The Institute would have been more interesting if the synths had taken over, seeing themselves as superior to humanity.
    Also they should just be flesh draped over machine like a terminator. Or maybe even just have rubber skin.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Should have made them simply like that detective/companion. I mean this whole Replicant-thing is interesting Sci-Fi-whise, but it really isn't something that screams Fallout to me.
    Same but if it were done well enough I'm sure I could accept it.
    Debating whether or not I should buy Hitman: First Season. Is it worth getting? I've heard complaints about lack of features when offline.
    I think you cna get all the hitman seasson in one game witch makes more sense
    Leave now, leave while you still have hope.
    Hope enough to make it out before the building exploded in 3 minutes. Why was there a bomb in the basement again?
    If forced to play one of these games, which would you play? Fallout 4 or Mass Effect: Andromeda? (suicide is not an option)
    You live under a rock. Andromeda was so poorly received that it put the Mass Effect Franchise on Ice.
    Mass Effect Andromeda hands down. Mainly because its more fun to make fun of like a funny bad movie. Fallout 4 just angers me and makes me sad. :(
    ^that. I wad never a fan of mass effect anyway
    Honestly, though, you have played the game for a long time. Don't you have anything else to do with your time?
    Is that directed to me? I only play Persona 5 on weekends because I have to go to bed early for work on weekdays.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    No it's just something that popped into my head. MGS2 is underappreciated. EDIT: I am the last person to say to anyone they're playing a game too much.
    Finally giving the Dishonored 2 trial a go. It's alright, but does Emily ever shut up?
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Dishonored 2 is good, play as both and use the Heart on npc's. Findng Corvos's old apartment in Karnaca was a pleasant surprise.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    @SarcasticGoodGuy Yeah I'm interested to see more of the world but so far I find the story weak, with Delilah returning being my biggest gripe. I also don't like the Outsider's new voice, it doesn't fit. Still, I might grab D2 at some point.
    Could've gone full dictator mode with the Duke, but nah we'll have this witch from the first game whose arc was neatly wrapped up.
    'cause you see I feel that life's a game, you sometimes win or lose. And though I may be down right now, at least I don't work for Jews.
    Everyone works for jews ?
    Ring donuts or filled?
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    Reactions: YeeCop
    Filled with raspberries. Hmmm raspberries is spelled weird looking at it like that.
    I used to dislike cream/filled donuts but they're alright. Ring donuts will always reign supreme, though.
    The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards the development of convenient half-truths.
    Everyone grows up hearing the same thing.
    There are a lot of unforeseen consequences of this kind of society, where every thougth and idea is communicated to the world - for then to immediately recieve a reaction. The true ramifications will, hopefully, be studied by future scientists. For now, we're too busy riding it...
    The ads for Blade of Queen are starting to get creepier, what with the borderline-underage girl and "MY LORD! RAVAGE ME, OR BE MY SLAVER!"
    "He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it." Only it seems history is being flat out ignored these days.
    Emotion has always triumphed rationality. And everybody is convinced t hey are doing something new and bold whenever they decide to act on pure emotiona and do awful things.
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