Worst to beat:
BoS is the worst hands down.
That pay to win vault sim one
Van Buren (only doesn't do better cause unfinished)
New Vegas
I haven't messed with the creation kit since Fallout 3 was still new so dunno.
Main thing would be to make it somewhat rare in shops, even more rare in equipment lists, given how it's both so rare and super expensive.
I'd probably make it on par with uniques like medicine stick for price, and...
When looting/trading 1 has a max of 999, 2 has a higher limit.
Mostly affects caps/cash since you rarely deal in quantities like that since ammo is moved by the brick not quantity.
1: March/April, ended up doing a super sledge run. Finished the boneyard deathclaw mother with no stims left,1 HP, and a massive critical.
2: been a few years, I tend to make the most of the longer 'everyone dies because your slow' timer compares to 1 and spend time just having fun grinding and...
If I were any good at the 3D modeling I'd make a new one, classic pack made it way too clunky feeling, I always felt it should be closer to the vanilla service rifle for its size and handling in-game since it was a small guns skill item to start with.
Of course if I were doing the work I'd make...
I'm aware the classic weapons pack and other mods add it into the game, but I've yet to find one that did it well.
All the ones I've tried for new Vegas make it an energy weapon and use energy ammo rather than 2mm EC, as well as giving it horrible iron sights.
TBH, my headcanon is the DC BOS came from a faction that survived when the blimps went down in Chicago and made it most of all of the way to DC, and their switch to older T45 was because they were low on gear after the separation and raised an old Army or Marine storage depot.
My headcanon has always been that it was only in the last few decades that the DC regions rads dropped enough to be reinhabited, justifying why so little progression in rebuilding has occured.
As for the Enclave and it's motivations:
The crawler is dumb, but that aside it's an easy obvious...