Robert Edwin House

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  • Frustrated with the whole Omertas opera.
    There you are boss. I went and investigated the Omertas like you asked. They were planning to carry out a terrorist attack on the NCR Monorail. I put a stop to it.
    Robert Edwin House
    Robert Edwin House
    Good, at least that's dealt with, the last thing we need is to cause an incident with the NCR before I have acquired my winning piece.

    While the NCR wouldn't go to war with us now with the Legion to contend with and me having plausible deniability in the affair, it would definitely raise their guard and my plans require the element of surprise.
    Not for long! *pulls plug and cackles like a mad man*
    Robert Edwin House
    Robert Edwin House
    You really think I would be foolish enough to only be connected to one such outlet? Such a thing would spell my doom in the soonest power outage...
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