Recent content by tekhedd

  1. tekhedd

    The new Marathon is such a disappointment

    Well, nothing but bad news on this project, but then I suppose that's normal for a property with serious budget, to play things so safe that it fails. :( I've been enjoying a reread through this thread though. :) Speaking of the SS Remake, I'm secretly hoping that all the "great ideas" they...
  2. tekhedd

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    Now that I think about it, it does feel like Fallout 1 (and of course 2 as it's based on the same assets) feels more like it's based on the science fiction self-image of American in the 50s, but after a nuclear war. It's like the "past" of Fallout 1/2 is based on what happy (and possibly naive...
  3. tekhedd

    Addictol and Fixer

    In classic Bethesda style, "addictol" is lifted straight from a preceding work, in this case "Gun, with Occasional Music", 1994. It's not like Johnathan Letham is obscure or something. In the book, everyone has a completely custom drug, but somewhere in everyone's mixture there's always...
  4. tekhedd

    Todd doesn't get it

    What a flashback. We saw it coming, watched the train wreck as it happened. I remember the cautiously reserved optimism, playing F3 for the first time, being impressed and disappointed.
  5. tekhedd

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    This. It's not that Fallout is or isn't criticizing capitalism, heck half of the joke is just mockery of 50s "modern conveniences" contrasting with the inability to solve political and diplomatic problems, ultimately destroying the world. But, these days. Marketing is terrified of alienating...
  6. tekhedd

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    1) The real criticism of Beth is that they aren't even remotely respectful to the pre-existing games. (and their writing is bland to the point where it feels like any entertaining story moments were left in by accident deep in a side-quest vault where nobody bothered to proofread but that's not...
  7. tekhedd


    References are OK, but I love sarcasm! ;D
  8. tekhedd

    Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts and musings

    Oh man. Nothing says "our game has no replay value" like letting you freely swap out perks. Limiting respec to "once" would be pretty an MMO endgame situation. :D Or maybe it's just supposed to be your gear. Meh.
  9. tekhedd

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    I've been playing deliberately bad character builds in Fallout 1 the last week or two, until they die, no reloads. One of my characters miraculously made it as far as going to see "The Deathclaw", but didn't make it any farther. :) F2's "bag of deathclaws that you can defeat if you're really on...
  10. tekhedd

    Should I play New Vegas?

    Ah, the smiley face makes it all OK. Just funnin'! (Sorry about your dog but it was instrumental to the joke!)
  11. tekhedd

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    At the time I felt, and still sort of feel now, that at a significant part of the Fallout 3 devs and artists cared about capturing the Fallout 1/2 feel. Obviously this doesn't even sorta include whoever wrote most of the "stories". It's really messed up, but there are moments mostly *in between*...
  12. tekhedd

    Fallout renewed for another season

    I might watch it once there is some indication that any of the major story arcs...arc around to a conclusion. Which, considering what I am hearing about the story arc of Season 1, will be never. Oooh, I like that. I dub it The Fallout Show.
  13. tekhedd

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    Just think Star Wars Special Edition tomfoolery, and then crank it up by a factor of 50. :) Let's not George Lucas the beloved Fallout isometric games, please. I just started yet another playthrough of F1 because a friend of mine (serious fan of F3 actually) is about to play it and I wanted to...
  14. tekhedd

    Rimworld modders making post-apocalyptic game

    I thought I was burned out on the whole post apocalyptic thing, but apparently not. :>
  15. tekhedd

    25 years of Fallout

    I'm cynical, I say you're half right. They'll try to cash in on the nostalgia factor, but also attempt to modernize it to keep it "exciting" with QTEs and a real-time-turn-based battle system, or else attempt to make the "strategy better" by making an exact copy of whatever X-Com clone was most...