Recent content by TheAnimeHunter

  1. TheAnimeHunter

    Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Discussion

    I recently finished a playthrough of Arcanum, possibly the best fantasy RPG I have ever played. I adore everything about it, I only wish I had more time to indulge and look for more of the side quests. Let me know what you guys think about this game and your experiences with it, if you don't mind.
  2. TheAnimeHunter

    Escapist melts down again, no more Zero Punctuation

    I'm surprised this happened to the Escapist before RoosterTeeth
  3. TheAnimeHunter

    Fallout is 25 years old! Lets talk about it!

    It's Fallout's 25th anniversary and I'm sure it has been a wild ride for everyone here. I'm curious to know what the people here have to say about it.
  4. TheAnimeHunter

    Nukapedia is hoasting the "Fathers of Fallout" on their youtube channel!

    According to the Nukapedia youtube channel, they will be featuring the likes of Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky and Jason Taylor will all be taking questions from the Fallout community and answering them on their youtube channel. Here's a link to the video where this was announced:
  5. TheAnimeHunter

    Would Fallout games/media set in alternate endings work?

    Maybe as a sort of self-contained DLC-ish game, sort of like what Far Cry: Blood Dragon is.
  6. TheAnimeHunter

    Would Fallout games/media set in alternate endings work?

    Let me make what I think is the most interesting possible example of this. In Fallout 1, if Rhombus is dead, the Brotherhood of Steel becomes the Steel Plague, an overzealous techno-religious dictatorship that would destroy the New California Republic and go on to create a dark age that would...
  7. TheAnimeHunter

    General Energy Weapons Discussion Thread

    Wait, isn't Winchester a IRL company and Glock just a really big gun?
  8. TheAnimeHunter

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    Same here! Something like this would be incredibly useful for anybody trying to make lore-friendly mods.
  9. TheAnimeHunter

    General Energy Weapons Discussion Thread

    I feel like we barely know squat about Energy Weapons. Who made laser/plasma weapons if not the U.S. Military/Contractors? Are the energy weapons in Fallouts 1 and 2 supposed to be the same as the energy weapons in New Vegas? Why do energy weapons (in New Vegas) look so cheap? I'm not saying...
  10. TheAnimeHunter

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    It's really too bad how the staff on NMA act no differently than Bethesda fans.
  11. TheAnimeHunter

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I'm not the guy who went on a rant about pronouns unprompted.
  12. TheAnimeHunter

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I'm not exactly trying to call anyone out, moreso I'm just wondering why I'm living rent-free in Tornado's head.
  13. TheAnimeHunter

    Why does everything in FNV feel so "recent"?

    I think it might part of the old west/new frontier feeling New Vegas had going on, though until any of the dev's confirm this is an intentional part of New Vegas' setting then we can't be certain about this. Just about everything naossano said is true. The first battle of Hoover Dam happened in...
  14. TheAnimeHunter

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Other than how completely incoherent you sound, all I'm going to say is that I got the name Anime Hunter from this video. It would surprise me if you took the image below seriously. Edit: Not just this post but every rant you posted about me. Every time I log on just to lurk I see three new...
  15. TheAnimeHunter

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I'd rather have no sense of humor than be the kind of person who throws a tantrum every time someone says I shouldn't use a slur.