General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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The pussyfooting around the word faggot is absurd and only comes from people your age since your entire generation has no fucking sense of humor. You don't know Sander so you don't know if it is called for. You sound like a bitch. Please cry more.

Better yet go watch some anime and just fuck off.
All I'm going to say is that the use of a certain word used after this quote is entirely uncalled for.
I'd rather have no sense of humor than be the kind of person who throws a tantrum every time someone says I shouldn't use a slur.

I'd rather talk to people that are older than the semen I ejected from my dick twenty years ago into that cursed vagina I called a wife but this is what I get to deal with. It's safe to say we have nothing in common since you are such a big anime fan, as young as one of my kids, and also a bit of a whiny cunt but whatever - have a nice time.

I'm not going to be told how to talk by someone that barely knows what being adult is about. I have posted on this site almost as long as they/he/she/it has been alive. They are literally so fucking boring when the site asked for a name they thought ANIMEHUNTER sounds cool, so I know they have nothing to offer me or this site in the end they will leave because of language like tranny, faggot, retard, or maybe the occasional niggerword. I am literally someone that would have sex with a dude if I thought they were attractive enough but I can't use the word faggot? Go fuck yourself! I don't have to be a flaming queer to be able to use it. I get a free card because Tagaziel said so and he is a huge furry faggot and knows all about those rules.
Also the next faggot that backseat moderates I am gonna spank the fuck out of them. If you aren't one of the admins you can suck a dick. A big hairy one.
Fuck I was going to make a disclaimer about backseat moderating but I was too stoop stoop to include it. My bad.
It's no big deal that is usually Crni's thing.

A good time around here? Hardly! I can't even use shorthand speak like faggot I need to explain to noobs that:

This thread was made because Sander controlled every aspect of the forum during Gamergate/censorship nonsense, locking down threads for no reason, banning people for no reason, generally being the kind of male feminist that real men hate, so I made this thread with the intention of none of that shit being allowed to discuss so there would be actual discussion instead of trolling. I did not feel like typing all of that out because I thought people on the internet understood when using faggot not in conjunction with homosexual activities it is generally a catchall for the guy was a fucking pussy like the kind of guy that whines about the word faggot being used when men are having conversations. Basically man the fuck up or get your dick turned inside out already.
He really was a fucking faggot and I'm glad he's gone.
That sanctimonious, "holier than thou" attitude from him and Brother None et al is not missed by me.

You guys have no clue. They ruined the rep for this site. The entire RPGCodex thinks those fags are still running the site and I have to still keep telling them they are no longer here, so people are not getting banned for dumb shit like saying Bethesdafag which I am sure really burns ANIMEHUNTERS ass but whatever.
You would have been banned or left to Codex like most people he ran off.