Recent content by thefalloutfan

  1. thefalloutfan

    Has fallout as a franchise become morrally bankrupt from the acquisition by Bethesda back in 2004?

    Although partially true I guess, it's still an entirely different mechanic. I was a member on their forums until they moved to the new one some five years ago or so, and I don't particularly remember this being an ask from the members at the time. Their core fans, mainly Elder Scrolls fan...
  2. thefalloutfan

    Has fallout as a franchise become morrally bankrupt from the acquisition by Bethesda back in 2004?

    I wholeheartedly agree Gizmo, unfortunately. I've lost all hope in Bethesda after Fallout 4's removal of skills. Their games are now basically LARPing simulators, a far cry from cRPGs.
  3. thefalloutfan

    FO3 Player Housing and decoration...

    Because it's fun? Did you really need to ask this question? It's not fucked up just because you think it's weird. It's called escapism and make-believe.
  4. thefalloutfan

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    But you didn't try to guess! It's Daggerfall. :)
  5. thefalloutfan

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Your avatar is smiling at me. In a creepy way. I can't rate it. Also, kudos to who knows where my avatar comes from. It's pretty obvious actually but anyway. :D
  6. thefalloutfan

    FO3 Player Housing and decoration...

    I never could decorate anything, never had the patience to use the Z key to drag stuff. On the other hand, I always had a place to stuff my armour and weapons and misc items in Morrowind. Good times.
  7. thefalloutfan

    FO2 Graphics Upgrade Patch (FO2GUP)

    I realise this is an old thread, but I was wondering if the download file in this mod section ( actually works? I reckon it's compatible with the unofficial patch and restoration project...
  8. thefalloutfan

    Fallout 3 Cosplay

    That's very good, quite a talented fellow. *Thumbs up* Now how about someone creates this bad boy:
  9. thefalloutfan

    Gob, the bartender who knew my name.

    I liked some NPCs too; Gob, Fawkes and Dr.Zimmer.
  10. thefalloutfan

    Gob, the bartender who knew my name.

    It was the latter I'm afraid. When Sulik died I reloaded :)
  11. thefalloutfan

    Show us where your avatar is taken from

    I'm not sure from where I got mine, some '90s game I think.
  12. thefalloutfan

    Gob, the bartender who knew my name.

    Read the OP's username 13beast ;)
  13. thefalloutfan

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    I'm sure you have no idea why I said that to Crni. He should understand it though (hopefully). And there's nothing wrong with it. Fallout 3 is not true to the series, so if you love Fallout 3 and coonsider it a true sequel, you're not a fan. You're just a fan of some parts of the game, just...
  14. thefalloutfan

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Subways weren't that interesting, in fact I felt "Oh damn not another one!". But thankfully I only had this problem in Downtown DC, the rest of the map I traveled outside, which was really nice.
  15. thefalloutfan

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Seems irrelevant to me though. If I love a series, I'd consider myself a fan. And I only refer myself to being a FO fan and an ES fan anyway, other games as you said I just like. But anyway, this leads to nothing. If Joecovsky isn't a real fan I don't care :P EDIT: Food analogies again...