So I have this "problem" with FO3... Everytime I see a cool place I want to decorate it and make it like a 10th home >.>
I probably spent more time decorating places than doing other random things that have nothing to do with quests...
My personnal favorites:
Big Town: merc camp, everyone wearing rivet city armor and town is full of guns and ammo (threw a bunch of radaway and quantum in the lake at the entrace, it almost hurt your eyes if you look at it for too long x.x)
Red biker trycicle: Added a few more stuff on the raider camp, I always loved this little place with 3 dogs.
Wilks' house: Food in the kitchen, random stuff in the living room, a few guns... pretty much a normal house.
Grocery store in DC: Cleaned the place up and "re-opened" the store, I even have a scavenger neighbor to make things look a little more alive.
Empty tent in Rivet City market: Made a cigarrete/alcohool shop, place two brahmin heads on the roof and made Charon the shopkeeper, looks pretty cool.
GNR: Placed weapons and medicine on the barracks, some food on the kitchen, cleaned all the tin cans, placed some shiny mumbo jumbos and a survival guide in Three Dog's studio...
Pensilvanya: Gave the Paladin inside the hotel a sniper rifle, placed some aqua pura around the place nearby BoS soldiers, cleaned the place up from muties...
Regulator HQ: OH... MY... GAWD... This place was a shithole before I cleaned it up... At least it looks much better now, placed a bunch of weapons they usually use on patrol, some food and random things on shelves (too bad I had to keep the back room as storage for all the unpickable crap I couldn't remove from the building).
Ranger Compound: Removed all the random and nonsensical crap from the storage rooms, kept only medicine, guns and shiny gizmos (wich are the only things they actually use), there isn't much that can be done here, just made the place looks more alive with more supplies in the shelves and stuff...
Dr Li's room: WHAT!? She's gone anyway... Still decorating it...
So am I crazy or something or you guys alredy done something like that too?
I probably spent more time decorating places than doing other random things that have nothing to do with quests...

My personnal favorites:
Big Town: merc camp, everyone wearing rivet city armor and town is full of guns and ammo (threw a bunch of radaway and quantum in the lake at the entrace, it almost hurt your eyes if you look at it for too long x.x)
Red biker trycicle: Added a few more stuff on the raider camp, I always loved this little place with 3 dogs.
Wilks' house: Food in the kitchen, random stuff in the living room, a few guns... pretty much a normal house.
Grocery store in DC: Cleaned the place up and "re-opened" the store, I even have a scavenger neighbor to make things look a little more alive.
Empty tent in Rivet City market: Made a cigarrete/alcohool shop, place two brahmin heads on the roof and made Charon the shopkeeper, looks pretty cool.
GNR: Placed weapons and medicine on the barracks, some food on the kitchen, cleaned all the tin cans, placed some shiny mumbo jumbos and a survival guide in Three Dog's studio...
Pensilvanya: Gave the Paladin inside the hotel a sniper rifle, placed some aqua pura around the place nearby BoS soldiers, cleaned the place up from muties...
Regulator HQ: OH... MY... GAWD... This place was a shithole before I cleaned it up... At least it looks much better now, placed a bunch of weapons they usually use on patrol, some food and random things on shelves (too bad I had to keep the back room as storage for all the unpickable crap I couldn't remove from the building).
Ranger Compound: Removed all the random and nonsensical crap from the storage rooms, kept only medicine, guns and shiny gizmos (wich are the only things they actually use), there isn't much that can be done here, just made the place looks more alive with more supplies in the shelves and stuff...
Dr Li's room: WHAT!? She's gone anyway... Still decorating it...
So am I crazy or something or you guys alredy done something like that too?