Fallout 3 Cosplay

The Dutch Ghost said:
This reminds me of a funny Iron Man parody in Futurama Comics.

That ad does a pretty good job of parodylizing itself. At the top there's a question. The answer is written in huge black letters directly underneath, so that's the next thing we see. The guy in a metal suit underneath obviously serves to illustrate this. Then we go to read the remainder of the ad, the mini-comic on the left, showing a thief who pilfers scrap metal off a table while shouting "Who?" over and over again. What is even up with that.
Barrett said:
eternaut said:
You guys know what would be THE awesome? I mean like Michael Bay-grade-awesome: Fallout with the combat system of "Silent Storm". Great game, TB tactical combat, in 3D, with fully destructible terrain.

I prefer Jagged Alliance 2's combat system to SS2's.
Yeah that was very good also. But what i liked in SS was the fact that you could bring a whole building down with enough explosives, where in JA (if i remember correctly) all you could do was destroy doors and some walls...

alec said:
The classic Iron Man:

Iron man was Energy-X-powered!

Brother None said:
I've seen horrors... horrors that you've seen. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. And I remember... I... I... I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget.

What's so shocking about that just yet another FO-related cosplay?
Hello all, If you want to see a really well done suit of T-51b PA (ie: support frame, all metal body construction, very accurate) then you have to help me figure out what exactly to do... I only want help making a "original" fallout set of t-51b as the new one makes no sense and simply sucks. I plan on putting lights in the helmet, fans for air circulation. I will put in the time for building it If you guys can help me make the most accurate/ good power armor.

When I finish it I will to go to any conventions I can (I've never done that before, but you tell me where to go, and I'll go) so I guess you'll have a guy with Power Armor under your direction (haven't you dreamed of this forever?)

:nuclear: My ultimate goal for this: Poor Man's Power Armor 8-)
Respond here if you can http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=56431

Not much on the Helmet, but I have this

This is the most detailed (extra tid bits) pic of PA I can find (what is with the head bar there, is it removed before the helmet is put on?)

Is the Van Buren the most detailed/ widely accepted design of T-51b?

Any more reference shots/ ideas for what to do?

Hope to hear from you guys!
I can't help you much but I know for sure that the Van Buren design was simplified to avoid clipping issues.
You should probably look at the Fallout intro for reference. The Fallout 3 model also seems pretty close to me, even if the texturing work is overall pretty poor.
Agent 9 said:
I only want help making a "original" fallout set of t-51b as the new one makes no sense and simply sucks.

This is a pretty old thread... I don't know why people think the Fallout 3 set sucks and/or doesn't make sense, it looks pretty much the same as the originals except for a higher level of detail.

Use some of the F3 images since they're larger and tweak it from there:

I would guess it to be something closer to chainmail as it would allow for more freedom of movement. All of the vital areas are already covered.

Perhaps the best F3 improvement on the T-51b is the hinge on the crotch plate... that means buddy can go to the bathroom without taking the suit off.
korindabar said:
I would guess it to be something closer to chainmail as it would allow for more freedom of movement. All of the vital areas are already covered.

Perhaps the best F3 improvement on the T-51b is the hinge on the crotch plate... that means buddy can go to the bathroom without taking the suit off.
Even though it's meant to recycle waste... :roll:
Faceless_Stranger said:
korindabar said:
I would guess it to be something closer to chainmail as it would allow for more freedom of movement. All of the vital areas are already covered.

Perhaps the best F3 improvement on the T-51b is the hinge on the crotch plate... that means buddy can go to the bathroom without taking the suit off.
Even though it's meant to recycle waste... :roll:

Oh, well maybe it's for other things then.
WorstUsernameEver said:
I can't help you much but I know for sure that the Van Buren design was simplified to avoid clipping issues.
You should probably look at the Fallout intro for reference. The Fallout 3 model also seems pretty close to me, even if the texturing work is overall pretty poor.
Yea, well the clipping thing is a really big issue in real life, especially if it were metal. So, regarding the Van Buren model, I don't think I mind that much... I don't know how much of it was simplified (It is just a base 3d model, with no materials/ textures on it, which is why it looks like that)

This http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Power_armor is my source of images, but IDK if that is all there is.

This is the in game model (LoL)

This is something as well, maybe more accurate?

I made a crappy T-51b costume in under 2 weeks mostly based on Bethesda's "design" for the T-51b, which is very flawed, and not that good looking (sorry but it's not, especially what they did to the helmet); the crotch plate is a poor design (if a super mutant went to crotch kick you, you'd be in a world of pain just before you were eaten :eyebrow: really Bethesda?) so those are just a few reasons to base it off the "old" version.

The problems with the Fallout 3 suit comes from Bethesda thinking they were good enough to re-do the suit, because they made the oh-so great :roll: Oblivion with their oh-so great :roll: armor suits.

Well here is what I made before... this is part of the reason for making a really really god one. This one was never finished, and was falling apart a little at the time of the picture.
Agent 9 said:
I made a crappy T-51b costume in under 2 weeks mostly based on Bethesda's "design" for the T-51b, which is very flawed, and not that good looking (sorry but it's not, especially what they did to the helmet); the crotch plate is a poor design (if a super mutant went to crotch kick you, you'd be in a world of pain just before you were eaten :eyebrow: really Bethesda?) so those are just a few reasons to base it off the "old" version.

The problems with the Fallout 3 suit comes from Bethesda thinking they were good enough to re-do the suit, because they made the oh-so great :roll: Oblivion with their oh-so great :roll: armor suits.

Well here is what I made before... this is part of the reason for making a really really god one. This one was never finished, and was falling apart a little at the time of the picture.

Truly a thing of beauty. That looks 10x better than that uninspired, Bethesda shit in the OP. And he probably spent three times as much money and time on his.
AtomicSabotage said:
Truly a thing of beauty. That looks 10x better than that uninspired, Bethesda shit in the OP. And he probably spent three times as much money and time on his.

Though I only spent money (maybe $30) on hot glue, craft glue, speckling, and... oh wait that was it. It is also really resilient, it is almost 1 year old and still in good condition (after pretty constant use, and someone walking into a doorway with it on... at full speed :facepalm: those shoulder pads stick out really far)

Here is where I have some build pics http://www.wastelandoutpost.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=256
Sadly I never "finished" it, but one day I will re-make it (hence Why I am asking for assistance on what the "official" T-51b should look like)
Yes, Bethesda's design is so terribly flawed... the way it actually makes sense and would allow a human being to move in it. :| The "I hate Bethesda/Fallout 3" nitpicking is pretty desperate sometimes. At least they kept that wheel on the back.

The fact that there aren't any really large or high quality images on which to base the design speaks volumes about the detail that was originally available (it's difficult to even compare F3's with the original without something with which to do a comparison).

If you want to make the "official" T-51b, I would recommend starting with Fallout 3's model as a sketch, then listing out the differences from the F1/F2 models and adding those in. You could also try looking at the T-45d (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/T-45d), which has some features more closely resembling the original (no mesh/chain mail, connected codpiece). You could also use the Van Buren model and sketch that, then start detailing.


Actually, you will probably have a much easier time finding sketches than in-game images and mix-matching those for the result you want.
AtomicSabotage said:
korindabar said:
Yes, Bethesda's design is so terribly flawed... the way it actually makes sense and would allow a human being to move in it. :| The "I hate Bethesda/Fallout 3" nitpicking is pretty desperate sometimes. At least they kept that wheel on the back.

Go drink some bleach and play your Fallblivion. It's not desperation, it's passion. I love Fallout with a religious fervor and I will never forgive Bethesda for what they've done to it.

The world witnessed the merciless rape of the greatest RPG franchise in the history of gaming and praised the rapist. The positive reviews for Fallout 3 were simply the result of Bethesda's backdoor dealings and media payoffs. You think reviewers actually enjoyed playing that steaming pile of dog shit? This forum has gone soft on tasteless Bethtards such as yourself, but I refuse to soften. I will never forget. Never forgive.
OK, calm down, he was just trying to help. We have threads for releaving our pent up Bethesda hatred (I think I'm going to prescribe you visit one... STAT!)

@korindabar Thanks for trying to help add to the conversation... unlike some of us *cough* AtomicSabotage *cough*. just FYI the reason korindabar brought that up is we were "discussing" it on another thread before. But korindabar you have to admit I am right to nit-pick points on armor that is going to be made out of metal (yes really), and will be worn on several occasions (most likely more than I'll care for), I'm not bringing up the other stuff (not enough so that it is worth mentioning anyways)

I knew it would be hard to get everyone to cooperate and "get along" (especially when discussing Power Armor) but whatever. I guess there isn't that much out there to go on (any more than I know about that is) Maybe I can e-mail someone [formerly] from Interplay (maybe some of the people that designed the true Original T-51b PA?) Does anyone know how I can contact them?

I knew going into this it would be a whole can of worms, (but hoped with the prospect of seeing/ there being real Power Armor being based off the original, that everyone would behave) Seeing as I already made (not quite accurate/ finished/ crappy materials) T-51b.I've also thought about making the Advanced Power Armor/MK.II (From Fallout 2 only, As FO 3 made it so the head is laid out like a nice target. and the rest looks awful)

The great thing about this is that there is a decent amount of reference, and a member (members?) here created this amazing 3d object/ FO 3 mod, so awesome references, cool suit, bad ass enclave (before D.C.), and a new model to make armor of... :D

Only problem I can see coming up is the tiny/ complex shapes and curves, but all the more fun, right?... Well If I'm going to spend months on it, it might as well be the coolest damn thing anyone's seen.




@AtomicSabotage because you could not play nice, I'm forcing you look at this horrid mistake that is supposed to be "Advanced Power Armor MK.II" :freak: :confused: :revolution: :confused: :freak: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10814

EDIT: I forgot to say I'm working on the T-45d right now, and the design is really flawed, I know, but I made it 1000x better than Bethesda did... I put a 12" sub woofer in the hollow chest cavity (powered by batteries, and a decent sound board) FEEL THE MUSIC!!!!! :mrgreen: