Recent content by Villejh

  1. Villejh

    Does the Barter Skill Work in Fallout 1 and 2

    I have played through Fallout 1 with a max Charisma and Speech/Barter build for shits 'n' giggles and the benefits are only really noticeable early in the game when you go to the Hub and buy yourself some gear that is way more powerful than what you should have at that point in the game. Later...
  2. Villejh


    I feel like the line between actual racism and legitimate criticism of other cultures has blurred to near non-existence. Instead of actually addressing your arguments, even if they are rational and not intended to be malicious, people just pull the "you're a racist"-card to avoid actually having...
  3. Villejh

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    We saw this coming years ago. The Bethesda fans didn't take us seriously; "you just hate change" they said. But here we are. As painful as it is to see a once great series go down the toilet, it does feel good to be right.
  4. Villejh

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    It will be multiplayer with a battle royale-mode, any and all RPG-elements will be stripped off in order to "streamline" the game and it will have hundreds of microtransactions ranging from dance taunts to weapon skins.
  5. Villejh

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    5/10, I'm probably not smart enough to appreciate it.
  6. Villejh

    I think I'm getting tired of Fallout

    I gave up on Fallout since F4 came out. Now I'm just waiting for Wasteland 3, which is basically my only hope for a good post-apocalyptic RPG in these times.
  7. Villejh

    I haven't played it yet but that's a bold statement.

    I haven't played it yet but that's a bold statement.
  8. Villejh

    Any musicians here?

    I wouldn't call myself a proper "musician" but I do play some instruments, mainly guitar, bass, piano and vocals (if you count them as an instrument). I've had a few bands in my teenage years where we mostly played old school rock 'n' roll. Nowadays I'm more into heavier stuff so if I do decide...
  9. Villejh

    How's everyone doing?

    How's everyone doing?
  10. Villejh

    Which difficulty do you like to play on?

    I've played through Fallout 1 and 2 so many times that maximum difficulty barely adds any challenge any more, unless I intentionally go for a counter-intuitive build or something. Of course I always do play with max difficulty though. For FNV I only play on normal difficulty because of the tons...
  11. Villejh

    Man creates "homunculus" Chicken Egg + Sperm

    I'm pretty sure this was proven to be fake ages ago.
  12. Villejh

    Fallout 5 Predictions Thread (with EXPLOSIONS!)

    I'm sure the DLC will be glorious for Fallout 5. MINECRAFT SKIN PACK - 5$
  13. Villejh

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    If I remember correctly, the Temple of Trials was initially not even supposed to be in the game. It was hastily added in because Interplay demanded Black Isle to include a tutorial level in the game. Klamath is really not hard as long as you have at least one combat skill at a decent level...
  14. Villejh

    What's going on?

    What's going on?
  15. Villejh

    Fallout 1-2, areas which are tedious or overly long.

    Fallout 1: - Vault 15. Blast tons of rats just to hear: "Welp, I guess the chip isn't here, too bad". Extra boredom points if you forget the rope. It does have some nice early game loot though. Fallout 2: - Temple of Trials if not playing a kung fu-character. Hit and run, hit and run, hit and...