Afraid I never fought on the oil rig, I disguised myself as an enclave and brought no one with me. ;(
Never really was bothered with Temple of Trials.
Technically you can blitz through it within a couple minutes tops.
I guess for new people, it can take a lot of time.
But it IS the tutorial...
I've played fallout 2 about 4 times, so i'm not really new to it. But it is totally tedious.
first of all, no tutorial was needed in fallout and i don't see why we would need one in its sequel.
Secondly and most importantly, as a tutorial it is really poor. Here is what you learn in it:
Melee or unarmed combat excluding targeted shots, because for some reason critical hits don't work on the first day of the game.
If you tagged guns, not only do you learn nothing about combat but also you have to go through the chore of doing this:
hitting the enemy( missing ), walking back a few steps, enemy waits a turn, enemy comes to you, hitting( missing), hitting again because you think " fuck it" and missing again, getting hit twice etc etc
If anything this teaches you that combat in fallout 2 sucks ( i remember thinking that for a while ) which is really not true, it's so much fun.
Traps which is probably the least important skill, as there are about 4 places in the game where it helps without being a necessity for anything ever
Lockpicking ( which works even if your skill is ridiculously low and thus doesn't teach you how it works, i remember trying on locks in klamath, failing and not trying again thinking my skill is too low when i first played the game) and
blowing up a door ( this is probably somewhat useful as one might have missed it but again not important enough)
The fact that there ways to avoid combat with humans, mainly
speech but also pickpocket, though you'll have to find that one out by yourself so it's not really part of the tutorial either.
And if you haven't tagged melee or unarmed this takes longer than you make it sound
Fallout 1 on the other hand gave you items based on your skills and threw you out in the wastes, having the system exceptionally explained to you naturally in the first 3 locations that you'll meet ( vault 13 for combat, shady sands for a bunch of things like dialogue and barter and vault 15 fora bit more complicated things like
use rope.
edit: beyond all that, it's not even a good introduction to the game thematically. It makes little to no sense plotwise -i guess in that it introduces the player to things being wacky and illogical- and it doesn't feel aesthetically close to any particular part of fallout or fallout 2. It's a cool unique design though so it's not too bad.