Man creates "homunculus" Chicken Egg + Sperm


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Russian Home-Alchemist creates a "homunculus" using egg and his own sperm.

This is the method + link to his channel:

Documentation and summary by another user:

I bet somewhere out there right now Wanamingos are already nesting
Good old alchemy. Just when you thought that Enlightenment brought us more scientific knowledge.
But then again, sociology is drowning in postmodern philosophy, and that shit is even worse than alchemy, so I guess Enlightenment is kinda dead...
I actually remember coming across some alchemy books when browsing in my school library while studying for an exam. I thought those books had been banned a long time ago also considering I live in a Religious Conservative country.
I'm pretty sure this was proven to be fake ages ago.
Pretty much everyone knew it was fake back in the 16th century. I think Paracelsus was just trolling people into jerking off into jars full of manure.
Who knows. He updates every now and then. The 2 creatures have now fused and started growing teeth so it looks like a small lamprey.

I saw that.

What makes me think it's a massive fake, is the fucking thing had an eyeball at one point, that seems...Too ridiculous.

I can accept weird mutations making wormlike creatures from chicken embyos.

Of course it's fake. Probably some special effects hobbyist or whatever. You can't create "homunculi" by jerking off into a chicken egg or whatever. Alchemy isn't real, despite Harry Potter claiming otherwise. If you want to create little humans by jizzing in a jar, go to a sperm bank. If you want to create gold from lead, build a particle accelerator.
Of course it's fake. Probably some special effects hobbyist or whatever. You can't create "homunculi" by jerking off into a chicken egg or whatever. Alchemy isn't real, despite Harry Potter claiming otherwise. If you want to create little humans by jizzing in a jar, go to a sperm bank. If you want to create gold from lead, build a particle accelerator.

There's some merit in weird genetic monstrosities occuring though.

Genetics is a weird mess.
Is this going to lead to furry porn? Because if it does I'll have to ban you.
Is this going to lead to furry porn? Because if it does I'll have to ban you.

Oh god, now you remind me of some seriously messed up shit someone showed me.

Alas, no, I won't post lewd stuff here, I ain't that messed up.

Here's a cute Neko instead.
Thks is an old hoax.

Man I love dogs but after learning all the genetic problems pure breeds have I just can't look at one of those without grimacing. I always wanted to have a Bull Terrier with their Shark faces but life for them is basically endless agony.
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