Recent content by Wreckless

  1. W

    Modding ideas/suggestions

    All handguns have rifled barrels. At least, every single design I've ever seen made in the past 120 years or so, leaving aside wartime improvised or over-simplified weapons like the Liberty pistol - and handgun sized shotguns such as the Ithaca Auto & Burglar gun. Revolvers also are NOT...
  2. W

    FALLOUT the movie

    First off, the fundamental problem facing any game-to-movie adaptation is that so few games, save maybe action-shooters, can snugly fit the Hollywood Formats of Action, Drama, Horror, Romance-Comedy, et al. Fallout as a concept has elements of almost all of those categories, from the drama...
  3. W

    My hat's off to all of the mod-makers

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you guys - To see such a plethora of good mods so quickly even in the absence of an devkit just makes me very, very happy to have purchased FO3, despite my misgivings with the vanilla game. I know I speak for a great many folks out there that...
  4. W

    [MOD] Original Combat Armour

    It worked great when it was made, when there were still trees and foliage before the bombs fell... :P
  5. W

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    Haven't any of you seen the teddy bears in the first room of the Sewers near Grayditch? Not the Subway full of ants, but there's a nearby Sewer building. On some equipment are rows and rows of teddy bears, as if it were an assembly line. The vast majority of them are normal teddys. But...
  6. W

    One way to actually kill the children

    No worse than killing hundreds of other people throughout the game, really. Fallout 1 and 2 gave you not just the option to kill children, but all the repercussions of doing so - hence the desire for a negative perk, lots of mercenaries and bounty hunters after your ass, as well as having...
  7. W

    What I'd like to change...

    Honestly a lot of the 'homecraft' guns and explosives really annoy me. I'd have made molotov cocktails the most commonly seen grenade.. with the fun fire effects in Fallout 3 you'd think a Molotov would be a no-brainer. I'd have also made a few improvised recipes for things such as that, but...
  8. W

    Anyone given thought to making an Item Editor?

    Not an inventory editor, but an actual item editor. From what I've been reading there's some interesting hurdles to tackle as far as editing a savegame, but I'm more interested in an item editor that edits the attributes of the actual weapons/items/armor in the game. It would be very...
  9. W

    Better Power Armor

    Yes, the Tesla Armor - but it only *looks* like Power Armor. It adds nothing but rad resistance and a bonus to energy weapons - no strength bonuses, etc. What's the point of Power Armor if it isn't *Powerful?* Facing Enclave guys in Power Armor should never be easy, yet it's *always* easy...
  10. W

    Modding ideas/suggestions

    There's a lot of things wrong with Fallout 3, most of which are painfully obvious - but a few of the bigger issues (IMHO) are pretty straightforward and should be relatively easy to fix, from a programming standpoint. 1) Weapons & Armor should be able to sustain immensely more use before...