Recent content by xixTaurum

  1. X

    Fallout 2 RP +1 Agility?

    What do you mean about father tully?
  2. X

    Fallout 2 RP +1 Agility?

    So upon installing Killap's fallout 2 restoration project I have noticed on wiki that you can get a permanent +1 to agility if you sleep with miss kitty and then with one of her prostitues after the main mission. I am willing to start a character with only 8 agility so I can gain perk each...
  3. X

    Mapper keys 1.6

    Alright, thanks
  4. X

    Mapper keys 1.6

    No, I'm trying to build myself a house in a savegame so I don't have to restart the whole game
  5. X

    Mapper keys 1.6

    Yes, building a green location on a map but I need to do it while in a savegame though I can't hide the side-bar to use the tiles and all that
  6. X

    Mapper keys 1.6

    Then what are the essentials to make a new location on map? planning to make a safehouse
  7. X

    Mapper keys 1.6

    Hello is there any way to remove the bottom side-bar when loading savegames into the map editor? I can't select any tiles or critters or anything from the bottom because the side-bar are covering it
  8. X

    Fallout 2 mod I need help with a map editor

    You're brilliant, thanks
  9. X

    Fallout 2 mod I need help with a map editor

    I've been looking recently for a map editor for fallout 2 steam with restoration project but I can't seem to find any but bis mapper that shows a little but no tutorial on how to set it up however the tutorial in the description is way above my mutie intelligence. I'm trying to rather clean up...
  10. X

    How to sell Bess? I'm confused

    It doesn't show me any kind of dialogue to sell Bess when talking to Grisham. And then how do I free the cows? edit: figured it out, but still, they always return into the slaughterhouse after releasing them
  11. X

    Fallout 2's Flick

    I'm pretty sure Flick was supposed to give about 200x 223. fmj, 200x shotgun shells, some .44 bullets, a rifle, a shotgun and all that. But my Flick just dropped no rifle and very few ammo, about 50x of each after killing him. Isn't he supposed to drop some more stuff, am I missing something...
  12. X

    Fallout 2 Highwayman question

    thx, and are there any ways to replace the skin of the highwayman? If so, is there a library of skins? Noticed some on fonline2
  13. X

    Fallout 2 Highwayman question

    I've just started playig fo2 and already got the highwayman vehicle with all the upgrades but I still wonder (sorry if it's a noob question) why on the highwayman's wiki page there is a photo at the bottom where the car has 2 large gas tanks in the back of it? Is it an upgrade I've missed, a mod...