Recent content by Zorchar

  1. Z

    help please

    I think 255 maps is the max.
  2. Z

    Ideas for a new type of mutant?

    Sorry, can't remember now. It's called molech by the creator. I guess it's because it can breath fire:D EDIT: It's from megamod
  3. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Thinking if will be a boss or a companion

    If you want your script to show in the mapper, than you should update script.lst. Add hte script name to a new line in the end of the list. If you want the script to actually work, than you should have the compiled script (.int) in the scripts folder (same folder as scripts.lst). Anything more...
  4. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Thinking if will be a boss or a companion

    Yes. Please be more specific in what you need. If you want to script a brand new character, than check out Quantum's guide in here sfall script editor. Otherwise you should ask and explain what you need better.
  5. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Thinking if will be a boss or a companion

    I can help out, sure. What do you need exactly? I'm sure many other people here will be glad to help out also.
  6. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Thinking if will be a boss or a companion

    Huh, silly me. That actually looks good. I was looking for tiles that would fit a sort of mountainy, fairly wet environment, and I never thought of using these tiles with trees and all.
  7. Z

    Fallout 2 mod Thinking if will be a boss or a companion

    are these tiles available for the BIS mapper?
  8. Z

    Femics Questions & Answers Q&A

    Try this: item_pid = random(1,1); // 1,2? 0,2? if (item_pid==0) then item_pid=PID_NUKA_COLA if (item_pid==1) then item_pid=PID_ITEM2 if (item_pid==2) then item_pid=PID_ITEM3 item:=create_object(item_pid,0,0);
  9. Z

    Gdialog:: error grabbing text message! PLS HELP

    You probably had some error whilst doing one of the steps the first time
  10. Z

    Gdialog:: error grabbing text message! PLS HELP

    What does NAME SCRIPT_ refer to? This should be the script number, which is the line number of the script in scripts.lst in the scripts folder. Didn't you get any errors while compiling the script? If it is 1489, change to that.
  11. Z

    Gdialog:: error grabbing text message! PLS HELP

    You need to put a .msg file in your \data\text\english\dialog (replace english if needed) with the same name as the script => script_name.msg
  12. Z

    Having trouble getting set_weapon_knockback to work

    The #define statement makes it so each time you are writing for example "HOOK_COMBATDAMAGE", the script will change it to "5". the hook "COMBATDAMAGE" has a serial number of "5", and so for sake of convenience, it is defined as such. It is also easier to edit later, if changes are made (for...
  13. Z

    Having trouble getting set_weapon_knockback to work

    Perhaps i was wrong and ':=' should replace '=' in knockback_amount_after = 'replace with your own int value' Glad it's working okay for you. This is the template for most if not all hooks btw. EDIT: And yeah, I think set_sfall_return(knockback_amount + 1); can be set to set_sfall_return(1); as...