No Mutants Allowed

How are you still asking this question? Were you hoping for a sudden surge in competence from Bethesda?
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
we dont know when people started using caps. It could have started as an illegal currency and grown over time, and considering the game begins 5 years after they left, it is plausible.
Beth is either too lazy and/or incompetent to think off scenarios for currency disputes among survivors, so they resorted to caps by default.

Even though plenty of survivors would obvious use other forms of currency before one is chosen.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
It’s fallout 76 not economy simulator. If everyone was using different types of currency, what kind of an online game would that be. When you die you just reappear. This is how multiplayer games work.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
It sacrafices realism for genuinity. The knowledge that everybody you see is a real person, and the community, tensions, and such that arise from it.
The easiest fix to the currency issue though is for Fallout 76 to not be a MMO game that requires regular currency but that's not happening now, is it?

Also, genuinity? You'd reach for that excuse to justify some inconsistencies in a series with pretty well-established lore and history? If I wanted genuinity, I'd play an established MMO game with an established player base. Also, genuinity isn't a real word.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
You’re saying it, I’m saying it...
I'm using it in case you don't know what I'm referring to. The actual word is genuineness btw.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
Now you're not even trying; have fun being ignored. Also, Vault-tec tokens should be a thing in place of caps
Except we know the origin of Bottlecaps. And by We I mean people who have played Fallout 1.
Also I never expect Bethesda to become competent. I express my snide remarks about their usual icompetence by framing them as a question. Whenever I do this think of RLM's Prometheus video.
If we have to make our own factions in it, why can't we make our own currency? Trade pre-war money, pencils, hammers or whatever you want...