No Mutants Allowed

A bit of a luxury problem it seems, no water for a whole day, but that is all of today with no shower, NO TOILET, no dinner making, and they didn't warn me prior, just, surprise motherfucker!
I don't know where you are but that's how they do it here too. No warning or anything. I'd feel a lot different if I could prepare at least a day ahead.
Exactly! It's been all damn day now, a full 12 hours! I checked with my landlords, just in case, and they had their water shut off as well, and no warning, and little kids, in the middle of their x-mas days off from school :S
We are alerted by local wired broadcast couple of days before any planned gas/water/electricity infrastructure maintenance starts, which usualy takes from 9:00 AM to 14:00 PM to finish. Also there's category for planned maintenance at official city web page, with free SMS notification system delivering notifications to any local citizen interested/registered. Push your municipal council harder, guys!
My portuguese girlfriend said the same thing. I have a hypothesis: In super sheltered places like Norway - where civilians just walk right into active cross-fire (I'm refering to the bank robbery shootout in Stavanger back in 2004, where civilians made cops job difficult by continously walking into the shooting. They refused to believe the gunfire, guns, uniforms, masks, etc. were all real) -