Horizon Zero Dawn isn't even an exclusive any more and it's kind of a boring open world game like all the others with a generic post apocalyptic premise like all the others. Can't comment on GoW yet, but as far as bang for my buck has gone I think I really wasted my money on this thing. Will sell it to my nephew once quarantine ends (if it ends)
I guess if all you care about with games is owning plastic, you should probably buy a stack of blank DVDs if that's the thing you care about with videogames.
I like the dino-robot-super plant apocalypse of HZD but I found the game to be overall a bit dull. Some of the combat encounters were interesting but not enough to keep me hooked. Also, some people around here were claiming its story to be super profound which was really annoying.
Walpknuts arguments against physical media get more retarded every time we have this conversation.
Yeah blank plastic discs
>no game on em
>no way to put them on a shelf
>would offer no decoration value
>is not an official product
>and would ultimately just be trashy clutter
It offers literally nothing that you get out of having a big physical collection.
It's a display still is it not? So therefore it's a decoration as well. In reality, I still prefer GOG to discs. I'd rather have a disc to any digital DRM'd game though. But a disc takes up space and discs eventually go bad.
The 3 silent hill games I have are worth around 300 bucks alone let alone the rest of my games. If they were digital copies their value would be nothing. So saying it's of no value is retarded. You may not appreciate the aesthetics of a wall filled with entertainment but you cant say its worthless. That's nonsense.
Yeah I have some physical copies worth a lot too. I get that but discs actually rot one day which sucks and eventually it'll be worth a good bit but only collectible wise and never on the ability to play.
Theres a certain degree of captain hypocrite here but that's what emulators are for. In almost every case it's better to go with original hardware playing a retail copy of the game. Sure discs fail sometimes. And its unquantifiable but it's way more interesting and real to me to play on original hardware than to simply boot up an emulator.
Oh I appreciate the original stuff and keep a lot of mine but I can't justify wasting a lot of space in my house anymore. Or spending a lot of money on items that I don't have a lot of space for. I just find the hard on for either side of this funny. I'm not purely a digital or physical fan.
I guess if you got a hard on for owning physical media then I guess you would rather own a console, but as someone who doesn't really care for owning physical media the PS4 and Xbox just seem like the most worthless thing to own. Like besides having a few exclusives, there is just no reason own these things.
If this were the old days like ps1 or super nintendo then their would actually be a point for owning these consoles since old school consoles use to have so many exclusive.