And that's with the limited Estus and everything. Controls are still very clunky compared to the first game and there is a lot A LOOOOOOT of jank in general, but the locations are much more interesting looking, altho the armor design is pretty bland so far.
I stopped playing DS once I beat Ornstein/Smaug. After beating them I realized I had 3 more dudes to go through before getting to the final boss and I was just like, "fuck it" lol
My dude looked dope though with the dingy robe he wore while avenging the Fire Keeper.
I really struggled with Pursuer for some reason, well it took three tries but I ended up despawning the enemies on that path because I was a mage and couldn't really deal with them easily and then also fight pursuer. But yeah a lot of the bosses you will find laughably easy or hard because they put dumb shit in it.
If you just spend excess souls on lifegems the game is also laughably easier because you can have 99 of each lifegem + however much estus you have. I only used lifegems in a few boss fights because I kept hoarding them and I usually try to avoid using as many items as possible for some stupid reason.