Cyberpunk 2077... I look forward to Colony Ship, full release of ATOM Trudograd, new Underrail expansion, Space Wreck, new Pathfinder, new Expeditions and sequel to Titan Outpost.
Cyberpunk doesn't look like a bad game. I just won't buy it at launch. Try Sunless Skies.
I don't recognize one of the titles you mentioned @Alphons, what is Expeditions?
Titan Outpost. I looked it up, idea behind it sounds decent enough but I don't know about the gameplay.
@TorontoReign Nah I'm pretty sure some Brony said I was the biggest leftist on this site so that makes me Crni's boss. also I have too played the occasional game, even your daunted Civ5. I was disappointed in it's lack of scenarios.
It appeases me until I can afford all the Civ 4 shit.
Now there is one I haven't played in a million years.
4 is supposed to be better but I have not played it. I played 1, 2, and 5...I think. I got 5 to see what my new PC could look like on a new game. Ended up liking it a lot more after the DLC.
I played 4 only with the GOTY edition will the gazilion things they added to the game. Shit like religion and companies make you super powerful. Combat is still stacks like 3 but with the upgrades in 5, except Artillery and Bombers fucking wreck stacks in this game.