@SquidVan Somehow that makes it worse. The fact that the devs, when writing an abuse plotline figured "How can we signal to the player that the character they are abusing is of legal age"
Yeah it definitely doesn't really excuse it. Hell, I don't think it'd matter how old the character is, there's a baseline immoral stench to the whole thing. No one should emotionally manipulate someone like that. I know it's fiction and practically comical but it screams that it's a dev's fetish being implemented for you know... science reasons.
It kinda pisses me off in general when media glamorises abuse. Like, a lot of actual popular media does this too: Spartacus Blood and Sand straight up fetishes slave rape. It's kinda like, the Lizard Sex is weird but can be shrugged off as funny, but when you're going to take things that people IRL suffer trauma from, and portray it as sexy, there feels something outright morally repugnant about that.