Well - funding is essential, you need it from somewhere, and industry typically holds the wealth - but I can't think of any sort of "renegade tycoon" who took their own money and used it to create their own revolution - essentially, burning up their own wealth
That happened with all of those examples, including some more I could mention. Literally every revolution in history has relied on the funding of rich men with a vested interest in regime change or war profiteering.
I think I'm distinguishing between participating in a revolution and orchestrating one. Which is why the impossibility occurs - the poorer you are, the more the grunt you will be, and that's what I'm looking for, the rifle-wielding billionaire. Some of them got close to the fray, but often cus the fray caught up with them.
Yeah, the actual number of revolutionary leaders who get their hands dirty is a small pool, unless you wanna count people like Napoleon during the French Revolution, or Oliver Cromwell; men who actually led armies.
EDIT: Spartacus, Robert the Bruce, and William Wallace are also confirmed to have killed in their revolts.
Right, now we're talking! I actually took some notes with a pencil Thanks! Forgot about Napoleon, dude was a true anomaly! I'm wanting to include such a character in a story I'm working on - the "impossible anomaly" - the billionaire who jumps into the fray (then loses, cus, you know, dude, wtf)
All I can think of is Osama bin Laden :S