I’d get it checked out, it might just be a matter of echoes due to blockages in the sinus cavity, but if it’s actual psychosis, I found that diet can greatly help or hinder the volume of the voices.
It's more like a whisper on the wind that's slightly annoying, it's been around long before the blockage. The blockage is because I get bitched at if I don't shove q-tips in my ears to 'clean' them.
Seems obvious, but when I started hearing voices when I was 14, I convinced myself they’d go away; they only got worse.
In other words, definitely keep an eye on any changes in pitch, whether you can make out what they’re saying, etc etc. If you need advice on how to proceed at that point, I’m happy to help from my own experiences.
It would be pretty cool normally, but the voices I hear are always like someone calling me and I have to get up and check the door just on the off chance it's actually someone calling me.