I feel like when they said open world, it was obvious that the metroidvania levels would be gone? At least for the most part? I don't know what you were expecting from that statement. There is a castle you can't enter in the demo so that may feel more like a smaller section of Dark Souls. Also, this isn't Dark Souls 4.
Well they said it will be a sequel basically and also that's why I said I am less excited for it, if this direction is what they want to do it's okay but it's not what I come to these games for. Will probably look it from afar when it comes out but from what we now know I am not very into it anymore.
I mean if it's not for you, it's not for you. But as someone who loves Ico and Shadow of the Colossus and knowing that Hidetaka Miyazaki was literally inspired to make games because of Ico, I have hope. I like everything I've seen so far.