No Mutants Allowed

@The Dutch Ghost Damn right, those APCs in Fallout 4 are also ridiculous. Too bulky and too many "fatty bulb". At this point just add something like Kangaroo carrier or that M113 APC from real world. Civilian vehicles i can tolerate, but military stuff should be practical as heck.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Suddenly I am reminded of this movie called Pentagon Wars which is about the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
Of course this is a fictional comedic take about how it drives the head of the project into a breakdown as his superiors want the design to be changed on a whim as they want what was originally suppose to be a troop carrier also used for other roles like scouting and serving as a light tank.
I think in the end they were all right. I heard IFV made the majority of Tanks kill count than even M1 Abrams. Beside, there is still Stryker APC for dedicated troop carrier. Still, no Germans, Russia/Soviet, USA ever made their APC looking like WW1 Tractor-Panzer.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Well it is sort of a comedic movie and I also heard that the Bradly was not a flawed design because too many people became involved who had their own goals.
It kind of shows you how Hollywood can manipulate the narrative/opinion with a movie.
The fighting vehicles in the later Fallout games don't feel very fitting. I don't expect WW2 style vehicles but these designs don't work either.
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@The Dutch Ghost How about Fallout Tactics? Am I the only one here that also love the 80s aesthetic?
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Oh I liked Fallout Tactics and its aesthetics. I have never been that hard on that Fallout's technology absolutely has to have 50s retro future design appearances.
We also don't need to forget that Fallout also had some dieselpunk influences next to atompunk.
And of course Fallout is also inspired by Wasteland which is all about the 80s.
It is Bethesda who made it sound like the Fallout universe got stuck in the 50s.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Huh? Who told you its inspired by Patton tanks? Those Bethesda abominations look (almost) nothing like Patton tanks. And yeah. They make absolutely zero sense.
The Patton tank was alright I guess. Not outstanding but it got the job done. I would probably chose a Paton over a T-54 though. If only for the fact that it was offering better survivability.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Military vehicles are not always practical either though. I think from the stuff in F4 the APC actually makes more sense than the tank. Still an abomination. But at least it's semi-usefull. Probably to small and it has way to high profile and the gun is totally useless for an APC. But at least you can transport troops. The tank they have is just utter garbage.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
If anyone is really interested to see more about the design flaws of the Fallout 4 vehicles, this is a pretty neat and short video looking at it from a realistic point of view, well as far as tank design goes of course :
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The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
One complaint I have with that video is that the person making it assumes that the tanks would all fire nuclear rounds.
I know that in the Fallout setting nuclear power was more common but I find this assumption to be kind of based on 'cartoon' logic.
I also hate how Bethesda has put in the idea that energy cell powered vehicles now explode when suffering severe damage.
Fallout 4 is cartoon logic though.
Fallout is cartoon logic period.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
If Bethesda had vehicles they would fire nuclear rounds I am sure.
They already wrote Nuka Cola being used as "strategic civilian reserve of chemo-nuclear munitions". Nuka Cola Quantum being one of the ingredients.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I think that may be a reference to Monsanto, which people mostly know for its agriculture and chemical products, producing Polonium for the Manhattan project which is used as a neutron initiator.
Still I found it a little stupid, implying that Nuka Cola was involved in the war effort. A parent company I would have understood.
Maybe Nuka Cola was that level of megacorporation doing shady stuff and have pulling quite amount of strings. That DLC also added how the founder still alive using advanced medical tech means. So maybe the company never went public in shareholder, always go to that one person making him very powerful. I am definitely not a nuclear physics expert, but what would be the use of Strontium-90?
Apparently in Bethesda mindset, or whoever wrote that stuff. A drink that laced with Strontium-90 like those Nuka Cola Quantum can be weaponized into handheld nuke.
It is through the power of SCIENCE!!! and hack writing.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Maybe if they actually forced the Chinese to drink the stuff. While there was somewhat of a disconnection to reality sometimes in previous Fallout games, in FO3 and especially 4 the disconnection is so big that you wonder why the human species has not rendered itself extinct earlier.
Even in the Fallout setting, putting Strontium-90 in a soft drink would bury Nuka Cola into thousands of lawsuits.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
And the founder still being alive is a rip off of the rumor of Walt Disney's head being frozen and because the writer apparently can not come with his own ideas so he rips off Fallout New Vegas' Mr House.