Streamlined RPG elements too. I will never forget that Fast style, Strong style, Group style combat stance will most likely never find their way into future witcher games. Now it's just ugly piroutte attack.
I kinda thought the combat was never that great but for Witcher 1 at least it was unique.
HEMA lover and Witcher 1 fans agreed that Witcher 3 sword animation are fugly. Witcher 1 has much more realistic and very fast sword animations tbh. I don't get at lots of thing in 3rd game really.
From my understanding, the company that is working on it were developers from Witcher 1 era CDPR, so it could be faithful. No sex cards though and 'roided up W3 Geralt will probably be in it.
NO SEX CARDS? Pfft. Just add gay sex and then it will be fine ffs.