Mr Fish Sep 29, 2023 Probably late to the party but CS2 replaced CSGO so fuck you if your specs aren't good enough you don't get to enjoy CS anymore.
Probably late to the party but CS2 replaced CSGO so fuck you if your specs aren't good enough you don't get to enjoy CS anymore.
Mr Fish Sep 19, 2023 Well, NMA's certificate is over again so now this site is gonna bug the fuck out for me. Expect AWOL until certificate renewed.
Well, NMA's certificate is over again so now this site is gonna bug the fuck out for me. Expect AWOL until certificate renewed.
Mr Fish Sep 7, 2023 Why does Starfield "offer in-app purchases"? Is there microtransactions no one's mentioned?
Mr Fish Sep 6, 2023 Why is everyone calling "mechanics" in Starfield "systems"? Did I miss a memo or something?
Mr Fish Sep 2, 2023 semi-drunk and dancing to NIN songs while screeching along, I think my neighbours may hate me.
Mr Fish Sep 2, 2023 I'm on a diet, I want to eat da cheeseborgir.