I think Pansexual is implying being attracted to people regardless of there gender/gender identity. The "Sexual" part likely refers to sexual attraction, as opposed to suggesting that it's about biological sex.
Yeah, in the past you simply said "I love this person" or "I don't eat that shit". Now, everything needs a describtion. You're either vegan, vegetarian, frutarian, pansexual, transexual, marsian, something-something ... what happend with being just your ... self? What a novel idea I guess.
Did you just complain about vegetarians? I am just wondering about how weird the word is when put against the premises the people who use it the most put forward. I have no problem with people being sexualy attracted to whatever or choosing not to eat certain things, the newspeak is just very poorly thought out.
I mean I once got bitched at for using the term Transexual because apparently that one is offensive now and it's transgender the proper one, but then you have tne term Pansexual being ok... this shit needs a linguist.
I am not complaining about vegetarianism or even vegans or what ever. What I complain about are euphemisms. Like Vegetarians, that eat only chicken ... and thus are something, no clue what this guy called him self ... but it in the past we simply called them hypocrites, now everything has a describtion of some sort.
Transgender I think is supposed to refer to gender identity, but transsexual is for people who have done the whole transition thing and have gone all the way. It's confusing as fuck, so I just don't talk about it much.
@Ben Soto Not really. There is no real distinction between Transgender and Transexual other than that Transgender is the more modern term. The term for a Transgender person who went through the transition is "Post-Op Trans"(Short for Post Operation)