No Mutants Allowed

I doubt it'll happen. Ad Revenue didn't fucking leave because "muh wordz" or "dey scured, hurr hurr", they left because the two largest corporations that reluctantly used Google for their ads was Verizon and AT&T used WSJ as to point finger at Google for an excuse and pull out.
Uhmm no, they left because big tutubers started doing so much retarded shit that they no longer wanted to be associated with the plataform as they have no control over where they ads play on youtube. It's not the fault of "WASJ!!!!" for reporting on it.
You actually believe that shit? You do realize Verizon and AT&T, the 2 largest influx for Google's youtube ad revenue, are also extreme competitors, right? Verizon owns Yahoo, they don't want to fucking work with their competition. AT&T Owns CNN, they don't fucking want to work with Google.
Do you actually believe that dumb shit? Do you actually think this hasn't been a long time coming with the toxicity of the community? Ads get pulled from channels if they say the wrong thing, now they are being pulled from youtube because of their inneficient plataform to regulate ad distribution. They are the ones paying Youtube and they are getting no control and a lot of risks.
Maybe Poo in the pie and other profesisonal slackers need to learn how to carry themselves like profesionals. You don't just blurt out a racial slur in a public broadcast on tv and keep your job.
How is what I said dumb? It makes sense that corporations will pull away from their competitors and cripple them with a hammer. Has nothing to do with 'muh emutionz', since, mind you, when Youtube was independent none of this shit really happened at such a huge scale.
You don't see anything dumb in believing in conspiracy theories over simple, rational explanations of how Advertising works?
"When youtube was independent none of this happens" wow, guess what, they are not independent anymore, they are on the public eye and thus under public scrutiny.
They get money from advertisers paying for the adspace and when the advertisers don't want to be associated with a plataform they pull out.
Please, go to your workplace (if you have one) and blurt out a racist slur in front of your boss and a client. Tell me how that goes for you.
When you're paying a company to advertise your products, you don't need an excuse to stop paying to use that company. You're paying them so you can just stop doing it without even explaining why you're doing it. Companies that use ads to achieve profits will stop using those ads if it backfires and they are losing money.
They don't care that they are paying the "competition" if that gives them profits. But if your ads get associated with something bad, you will want to pull them out and explain why you did it so consumers will think it wasn't your fault and that you are trustworthy. So they will keep buying your products. It's called damage control and companies do it all the time and for as long as business exist.
No mango manng, it's all a conspiracy by the Wall Street Journal (more like the Social Justic Wallnal) to destroy youtube. Freedoom of speech and shit, but only for pewpewdicks, nobody can criticize him. Also racial slurs are just a word, get over racism mang...
I keep hearing all of this shit and all I can think is "Who gives a fuck? I'm tired of internet outrage culture and worrying about what some asshole on Youtube is doing."
I have no idea what the actual example here is. Something about a youtuber being racist and companies stop paying google to put their ads on Youtube or something like that.
I don't even like Youtube, already didn't when it was launched and I still don't... I also don't like online ads... So I hope they destroy themselves, to be honest.
Even I have no fucking idea what Walpknut is squawking about. Conspiracy by WSJ? The fuck?
Poo in the pie and H3h3 have been trying to sell the idea that the adpocalypse is not the result of youtube lack of distribution control and tutubers not knowing how to carrry themseleves like adults but a conspiracy of "old media" to destroy the tutubs because reaction videos and yellling at the screen threaten them.
He says one bad word and game developers threaten to DMCA is content on youtube kinda pathetic. Although he sould get a temp ban on twitch though