that said, my only gripe was the slightly lackluster english dub, as well as a bit of jerky animations compared to super-smooth witcher. But ugh, just yesterday in convo i was predicting little wannabe-fascist kids ultra-masturbating over the non-optional male protagonist, im so sick of all of this, come wipe us out meteor
Nothing beats reading reviews and see stuff like "Too hard worst game ever 0/10" Or "I don't know how to play this game 0/10" not to mention the good old "I don't like RTS! 0/10 cause this game is RTS!" People.. BLEH!
Any 0/10 kind of rating strikes me as hugely immature, and you see it anywhere people are encouraged to rate games or movies, "Meh, not my kind of movie, 0/10" - then don't fucking rate it! Ratings are meant to give an impression of the quality of a product in a certain genre, its not about peoples dumb opinions