Yeah because there's no incentive to throw your hat into the ring on a case like this. Oh wait. There is. Basically I don't buy it. All of these women came out with a publicist, all came out next to an attorney, and almost all of them were represent my Gloria alred
Wow Graves, you are so ignorant about the whole ordeal it's no wonder you are defending a serial rapist. Bill Cosby has been constantly accused of Date raping women for the last 50 years, this not a new thing, these women didn't just come out of the woodwork "with a publicist" you stupid autistic fuck, and of course they came with an attorney because that's what you do when you accuse someone of a crime.
Hitler was never convicted in a courtroom and it's all hear say, 50+ million people had an incetive to throw their hat in to the ring in a case like this. So he must be innocent.
- Graves Logic.