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  1. Korin

    This was unfortunate because I'm in the middle of trying to figure out if I can migrate the site...

    This was unfortunate because I'm in the middle of trying to figure out if I can migrate the site to AWS -_-
  2. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Ja, ich habe schon mich auf diesen Seiten registriert. Sie scheinen meistens inaktiv zu sein aber ich werde schreiben versuchen Ja stimmt :-p Ahhh, ja ich habe die Seite geprüft, sie sieht tot aus :-( Aber... sprichst du gerade kein Deustch? Oder Google-Translate hilft dir? :-p
  3. Korin

    The terrible German language

    That's not a bad idea... do those actually exist? Do people use forums anymore? I shall go on a quest.
  4. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I've actually tried to play with Germans but they're hard to find and servers are regionally assigned :-( The only speaking practice I get is mostly at the local Farmer's Market (we have a lot of German immigrants) as well as one German restaurant
  5. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Update: I've continued to learn and practice this language. I had taken a break from it in early 2019 and then picked it back up at the end of 2020. Today is now my 365th day streak in Duolingo. I spend at least 1 weekend day doing dedicated practice for 2-hours. The rest of the week I play...
  6. Korin

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    The C.A.M.P. system is hands down the best part of the game to me personally. Most of the best stuff that comes out of this game is camp related and I'm always impressed by the creativity of the people who build things. Since you can build anywhere in the world and you have a fair number of...
  7. Korin

    People That Play Fallout 76 Why do you still play it?

    The highest I’ve heard of was like 3000 something, so not sure anyone is... it will be sweet when I finally unlock that 70 cents worth of atoms.
  8. Korin

    People That Play Fallout 76 Why do you still play it?

    It is fair to criticize the release, even I criticized it, but that was also two and a half years ago. You can keep criticizing it but it has nothing to do with the current game. These are two completely different things. You literally can't play that version of the game anymore, so to rate the...
  9. Korin

    People That Play Fallout 76 Why do you still play it?

    Nah, that’s for plebs. I killed them all with grenades while holding a Heart Wrencher since it still counts :p
  10. Korin

    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    I said it before but I'll say it again, Fallout 76 has little if almost nothing to do with Fallout 5 and was developed primarily in their Texas studios. Fallout 5 is also likely a decade (if not more) away given they're still working on Starfield and TES 6.
  11. Korin

    People That Play Fallout 76 Why do you still play it?

    I still play this game, in fact I'm just coming up on 1600 hours. I've been playing since beta, so I've seen pretty much everything. They've put a lot of work into it over the last couple of years and it shows. It's quite unfortunate because the game as it is today is really good. If this has...
  12. Korin

    Wastelanders DLC?

    This nonsense started with Fallout 4 when you literally got a suit of power armor and a minigun 10 minutes into the game. I always hated this foolishness. Later on you encounter a town/faction of people called the "Atom Cats" and it's literally a bunch of greasers that trick out power armor like...
  13. Korin

    People That Play Fallout 76 Why do you still play it?

    I've got about 700 hours (give or take) spent in the game right now, I think it's worth playing. Disregard youtube because most of videos talking about how terrible the game are either incredibly out of date (and those issues have long since been fixed/addressed) or talking about the lack of end...
  14. Korin

    Wastelanders DLC?

    The beta is happening now That's not entirely true, most people left because of the scorched plague or other reasons. They only need a reason to return. There's also nothing to say that Wastelanders will not have NPCs who never left.
  15. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    In other news, he assassinated an Iranian general and government official. That should go well.
  16. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    His impeachment was inevitable, just like his acquittal in the senate will be. Both sides have already made their decisions. That is the flaw in a lot of this, there are no neutral parties to actually do this. I think what Trump did was probably criminal or at least unethical, I don't know if it...
  17. Korin

    Spontaneous NMA get-together in Cologne

    Finally back in Canada after 26 and a half hours of traveling and layovers. The NMA meet up happened for real! @Hassknecht was a hell of a guy and getting to meet up was one of the highlights of my trip. He recommended a cellar pub outside the Koln dom (Früh am Dom...
  18. Korin

    Merry Christmas you filthy animals

    Merry Christmas you filthy animals
  19. Korin

    Spontaneous NMA get-together in Cologne

    Just catching up on NMA now that I have my laptop with me. Yeah, if anyone's around come hang! Sorry that it's pretty short notice, I would have tried setting something up a bit further in advance but wasn't sure when I would be able to (I've been busy with GF/GF's family/christmas stuff)...
  20. Korin

    The terrible German language

    From what I had read it historically had a lot to do with languages that frequently were used in trade and also something about how highly/lowly that particular culture/location/people ranked for "uncertainty avoidance", so English as a language became a lot more ambiguous and a lot "dumber" so...