Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
My dude I don't know if you've taken a peak at any of the threads involving politics here, or down at The Order.
The Order is not NMA. And NMA is not The Order.My dude I don't know if you've taken a peak at any of the threads involving politics here, or down at The Order.
The Order is not NMA. And NMA is not The Order.
This is an important distinction.![]()
Fallout 76 with all the updates is better than Fallout 3 and 4. In basically every way. There was actually a lot of thought put into the world. I mean like this guy:
obviously cares about stuff like lore and the world making sense and A causes B which causes C, you know the stuff Bethesda proper hates.
In another world where this was a regular game, not online and all the dead faction that were dead at the start of the game where alive and there were some choices and consequences and a laser pointer distracted Todd, Emil and Pete this could have been something special.
A lot of the lore is shitty because of the terrible idea that everyone was dead when the game started. Here are all these groups with goals and they work with and against each other and then a plague that creates not-ghouls kills everyone. Everything potentially interesting is just abandoned.
@Korin are you beating up super mutants with your heart wrencher?
This thread is a good example but on pretty much any post or article about Fallout 76 there's usually a pile of commentary from people who don't play the game (or haven't played in years) talking about things that either aren't based on reality or have been regurgitated from something a youtuber said (who also didn't really play the game) and is months if not years out of date.
Saying it's unfortunate that the initial release's stigma hangs over the game is a take you don't have to agree with but this is not really excusing the game's initial launch either.If this has been the game they released 2 years ago it would be much more popular right now but unfortunately the stigma of the initial release still hangs over them, even if it isn't the reality.
That's not what Korin is saying. He said that every time a new update is posted people who haven't seen what the update actually looks like or does, still immediately trash on it. He didn't say that the way the game released was acceptable. He said the way the game released was blown out of proportion and has left a mark on how everything else related to the game is talked about. That's a fair statement.
, half the time people keep trying to dunk on this game's updates by mentioning how lore breaking something is or ridiculous and campy something is, I really don't know what people expect. It's an online Fallout game using the same stuff as Fallout 4 and made by Bethesda. What else did you expect?
Saying it's unfortunate that the initial release's stigma hangs over the game is a take you don't have to agree with but this is not really excusing the game's initial launch either.
I mean, if that's not what you want to do, that's fine. There is a contextual souring of the initial launch of this game. But if you were to evaluate how the game plays right now, what matters is how the game is and plays, right now. If someone bought this on Steam sale for 10 bucks and said, "Hey, uhh, you know, it's not so bad." It's going to be a weird thing to act like the game is still shit in the same way it was shit in 2018 towards that person. What the fuck do they care? Sure, you shouldn't trust Bethesda or something but not because of Fallout 76 unless this is your first purchase and you just don't ever look into their older stuff. You shouldn't have been trusting them before that unless you somehow found Skyrim and Fallout 4 to be quality work that received sufficient technical support post-launch. Which they didn't.It's not excusing it directly but it's brushing it off and its original form prior to backlash and the trail of subsequent controversies should forever stain the game and forever be considered in weighing the games value, is what I'm saying. The game should never be viewed alone as what it is now and judged on that.
It is completely fair for people like me who played the game on release to criticize it for the state it was released in.