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  1. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Finally completed New Vegas, only took 253 hours and about 7 false starts. Kinda titchy compared to some people's playtime around here (hayoo Walpknut) but a respectable amount. 'Spose I better try and get further than the tutorial in Alpha Protocol now.
  2. Alphadrop

    The Shandification of Fallout

    Yea, makes it all the more disappointing they went with the cinematic style for the next two ME games.
  3. Alphadrop

    Aliens Colonial Marines - saddest shit ever?

    Problem with Weyland Yutani is it's always the big bad for almost everything, yea the corp is evil but it would be nice to see the rebel factions mentioned in the fluff like the Colonial Marine Technical Manual (which is a thing o' beauty) try and weaponise the aliens for once. Considering...
  4. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Heh, my main car in APB Reloaded was a Broadwing fitted with Racoon City Police decals. Am tempted to go back to it but it appears the servers are lagging worse than ever and they've always been laggy.
  5. Alphadrop

    Impire: a spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper (sorta)

    The CPU is old and it's fan gets clogged easily with dust due to my room being the dustiest in the house. Just means I have to de_dust it every now and again with cotton buds and water, the dust is too sticky for compressed air cans.
  6. Alphadrop

    Impire: a spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper (sorta)

    Feels more like Evil Genius to me with a DK esque look. However it's pretty good, well so far anyway, computer's overheating so can't get very far without it shutting down. :V
  7. Alphadrop

    Pope Resigns, World Cares (Not)

    It also has a lightning rod there.
  8. Alphadrop

    Aliens Colonial Marines - saddest shit ever?

    The rumour mill suggests that the retreat from nice graphics might be due to PS3 memory limits, supposedly they hit them before half the game was finished or something.
  9. Alphadrop

    System Shock 2 comes to GOG You've read about it, heard about it, seen older posters wax philosophical about it but after over a decade in legal hell System Shock 2 is finally getting a re-release to run on modern systems. Apart from...
  10. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The Room is tricky, it's the Marmite of the early SH games and has a pretty neat vibe to it as well as a rather original way to tell the plot however it comes across as too different to be a SH game so it's hard to tell if you would like it or not until you try it.
  11. Alphadrop

    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    We can but hope, and also hope if this does happen they get a less crappy contract.
  12. Alphadrop

    Obsidian pitching new Star Wars RPG

    Would have preferred a game between IV and V as that has some tasty old school stylings but at least it isn't some crappy Clone Wars pitch. A Dark Forces esque rpg would make my geeky day. UncannyGarlic is right, the F2P model it employs is a pile of crap which removes most of the more...
  13. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Skyrim: I heard you like Dragonborn. Writing is less derpy than Skyrims half the time and it's a lot less boring as well. Downside being stuck with a crap npc companion exploring a Draugr ruin at the start leaves a bad taste. Also npcs actually react to what you've done, such as Raven Rock...
  14. Alphadrop

    More tidbits on WL2 and Torment, Mark Morgan editorial

    Same, really dig me some Khans of the New California when I feel in the mood for nostalgia.
  15. Alphadrop

    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    Used an alloy shiv as mobile cover once, they are pretty good and also make good chrysalid chum if they do get too close.
  16. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Fall back to a more heavily defendable area? Did a few times in my runthrough of the alien base, the a.i didn't seem to be able to assault properly so came in dribs and drabs making them a lot easier.
  17. Alphadrop

    Anyone Here a fan of "Desert Punk"-?

    Considering the second series is considered left field and out of character the first series ending is appropriate. :P Funny and interesting, shame about the forced fan service.
  18. Alphadrop

    New Vegas modding, Fallout 4 rumors, and tidbits

    Ah right, dude sitting next to me during a Only War session was watching it, pretty obvious it was fake.
  19. Alphadrop

    New Vegas modding, Fallout 4 rumors, and tidbits

    Latest rumour I've heard is Fallout 4 taking place in San Fran. Gotta love the ol' rumour mills.
  20. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Finding a chum to team up with on multiplayer is pretty fun, even against armoured car rushing a.i.