Obsidian pitching new Star Wars RPG

I was disappointed when I read that it wasn't going to be KOTOR3. What reignited my interest was the setting: between Episodes III and IV, during the early days of the Empire.

Oooozes potential.
yay. some interesting news in the SW franchise for once. I hope it will bear at least some resemblance to the KoTOR games (bugs and unfinished shit excluded).

I do love the Old Republic setting, but it will be interesting to see what they'll do with this. the jump from episode III to IV is pretty big setting-wise (for obvious reasons). I hope they manage to capture the darker tone of episode IV.
I really hope LucasArts doesn't try to formulize their star wars games. Like 1313. That looks like Uncharted in sci fi corridors.

Please do this Lucasarts. *crosses fingers*
After I have red that the "new" Kotor was this MMO by Bioware it was was kinda a big disapointment in my eyes

A new REAL RPG in the SW setting would be great. Not to mention Obsidian is well in creating stories.
Have you tried the new SW MMO? Its basicly a free SW RPG with a full story for each class, that takes quite some time to complete. There is a hell of a lot of content and it really feels star warsy. As a SP RPG it works. As an MMO, not so much.
mobucks said:
Have you tried the new SW MMO? Its basicly a free SW RPG with a full story for each class, that takes quite some time to complete. There is a hell of a lot of content and it really feels star warsy. As a SP RPG it works. As an MMO, not so much.

Very true. It feels a lot like KOTOR 1 in fact; don't expect a deconstruction like KOTOR, this game plays Star Wars morality and tropes straight as an arrow most of the time. Still, running around as pragmatic, non-psycho Bounty Hunter or a holier-than-thou, jerkass of a Jedi Knight is fun, and the writing/companions are good enough that it doesn't feel like an MMO overmuch.
is SWTOR completely free to play now, or what? is it playable or too much of a hassle? tried LoTRO and D&D Online and both felt like I was being bombarded with ads to buy in-game currency and shit.
aenemic said:
is SWTOR completely free to play now, or what? is it playable or too much of a hassle? tried LoTRO and D&D Online and both felt like I was being bombarded with ads to buy in-game currency and shit.
It went F2P. If I remember what I heard right, it's mostly the end game that requires you to pay to get anywhere. If I had the time I'd probably try it out but I really don't.

This idea sounds like it could be good. I'm interested to hear what their plot concept is.
Sounds good to me. Shame it ain't KOTOR, but that time-frame is just as good. Dare I say...EPIC? :smile:
Would have preferred a game between IV and V as that has some tasty old school stylings but at least it isn't some crappy Clone Wars pitch. A Dark Forces esque rpg would make my geeky day.

UncannyGarlic is right, the F2P model it employs is a pile of crap which removes most of the more interesting aspects of the game. Keep getting emails begging me to re-sub so I can get "free" item shop currency.
The F2P model sucks if you want to do anything end-game (credits are limited by a cap, you can't equip the highest tier of gear, limited to 2 characters, ect.). If you just want to make one or two characters and explore their stories at your leisure, it's OK. You do play for free. You can get some restrictions lifted by subscribing once (''prefered status'').
restrictions in F2P games suck though, either give everyone access to evrything or make it a full price game. Thats how I see it. Might be a bit extreme. But i dont see why F2P games should not give you a chance to explore everything, doesnt mean it has to be as "comfortable" like for people that pay some money, but the GOOD F2P games out there actually ask for money to buy something like costumisation.
I think that the ideal model for a MMO would be a combination of purchase to play (Guild Wars) with cosmetic cash shop items. The combination seems like it would sustain the game pretty well. P2P pretty much always ends up being outrageously expensive and subscription fees are no longer feasible in the current market (yay!). The other option would be to make P2P have real micro transactions (dealing in cents rather than dollars) but that isn't going to happen.
anyone seriously thinking about MMOs today is kinda crazy anyway. I mean the market is so saturated its not even funny anymore. But many still believe its like the perfect cash cow completely ignoring the fact how many actually tried it but failed hard.

I am not saying there cant be good MMOs, but 90% of them do basically always the same formula, which is probably one of the reasons why the Star Wars MMO by Bioware became so fast F2P. It might be a "good" game for it self, but as far as I understood it, it was somewhat a dissapointment as MMO.
It had bugs, gross PvP imbalances, serious lag issues in some zones (especially the Ilum open world PvP zone), and a generally lackluster end-game.

In short, most people agreed that while the leveling experience was great, the end-game sucked. Since it's the end-game that keeps people glued to their subscription in MMOs, well...
Crni Vuk said:
anyone seriously thinking about MMOs today is kinda crazy anyway. I mean the market is so saturated its not even funny anymore. But many still believe its like the perfect cash cow completely ignoring the fact how many actually tried it but failed hard.

well, I think we're starting to see a shift in trends. look at Neverwinter for example, it doesn't try to emulate WoW. it tries to be Neverwinter Nights in an MMO package.

as for SWTOR, I understand the single-player aspect of the game (ie leveling), is pretty decent, no? definitely worth trying, since it's for free and all? I'm not one bit interested in end-game and this point, just curious about the game. but if I'm gonna feel left out from the very start because I don't pay money then I'm not going to bother.

oh, and sorry for going so off topic. should probaby leave the MMO talk from now on.
well, I think we're starting to see a shift in trends. look at Neverwinter for example, it doesn't try to emulate WoW. it tries to be Neverwinter Nights in an MMO package.
Still, the "western" MMOs have not changed all that much in the last decade. Cant talk about asian MMOs though. Not that I play them really there have been only like maybe 2 MMOs I tried and they might not have been even "true" MMOs, but I am reading a lot about it. Maybe there will be a huge change. But its a fact that more and more people actually enjoy the F2P model and it seems less people are keen about monthly suscribtions, the traditional MMos seem to die slowly. The reason? Not sure, but I guess its exactly because people are saturated with the content from MMOs, knowing they get bored very fast and then you sit on a game you payed a lot of money for. F2P games usually offer you a chance to see if you want to stick around long enough. Thats a huge advantage! Take World of Tanks, even if the game has no "end game" and its really boring gameplay they did a great job on making people addicted. Took me a while to realize that because the game is fun, but absolutely boring in the end.

Take World of Warcraft, when you ask a lot of the people why the still play it even after so many years, you will hear a lot "because my friends play it", its simply fun to socialice and WoW is doing a great job here, for its time the gameplay and idea was also pretty great. But even WoW is not as popular like it was once, each expansion is selling less and players do move on.

Maybe NW will do things different. But that remains to be seen. A lot of MMOs said they want to go a new way just to crash on their ideas.