Anyone Here a fan of "Desert Punk"-?


Mildly Dipped
Masatoshi Usune's Manga or the Gonzo Anime?

I found a source for the Manga in French... not sure if it would be worth starting a project to translate into english (I would just use google or babelfish)

I like the Anime, but have heard that the Manga is better... of course I cant read it... Lol
I watched the first episode of the anime on netflix a few weeks ago. Pretty funny.
yeah , its pretty awesome, i was pissed when that damn sniper shot his M40A1 , didn't like the first series ending though, thought it was a little left-field and out of character.
Considering the second series is considered left field and out of character the first series ending is appropriate. :P

Funny and interesting, shame about the forced fan service.
Considering the second series is considered left field and out of character the first series ending is appropriate.

Funny and interesting, shame about the forced fan service

My bad, posted after watching the last episode period, thought there was another series after the 'splosion. Damn dissapointed, and yes I agree.
Are there any full translations of the Manga books into english? It seems like they stopped at volume 5.

How many volumes are there in japanese?

Is it still being published or did it just end?
#1950 on Anime News Network's rating list?

No siree...

I haven't enjoyed any series bellow 250 in a looong while.