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  1. Alphadrop

    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    Especially because I shot him, repeatedly, in the face, in several playthroughs of that bit.
  2. Alphadrop

    F:NV Mods

    AWOP is interesting but the lore breaky stuff always annoyed me, to much for the tasty level design and nice challenge to make up for it.
  3. Alphadrop

    F:NV Mods

    Same, trying to convince a chum I convinced to get FNV during the sale to play it vanilla. He's got a lot of Warhammer 40k mods in it at the moment. Also I keep meaning to download that Enclave flight jacket.
  4. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Can only find a mod that ports Doom 3 weapons to Doom 2 for some reason, machine gun looks pretty cool all pixelly. Looks like yer stuck with the melted plastic machine gun for the duration.
  5. Alphadrop

    NCR Ending and final battle - worst of the game?

    Oh that mod adds full functionality, thought it was the standard blank slate follower that looks like an npc mod. Gonna have to try it in my current playthrough. :D Main game ending is probably one of the reasons I've never completed the game, usually stop before it as the Dam is frankly...
  6. Alphadrop

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    It will go down in history as the first mod in bloody ages that adds armour to women. Looks quite nice, skirt is a bit over starched but all the guard armours look like that.
  7. Alphadrop

    The Emperor demands...

    If you want to give it a chance get Retribution, it actually has a pretty neat story and the factions are played out very well. DoW II and Chaos Rising were slightly hamstrung by spess mehreens being a bit boring and Blood Ravens being even more boring. The larger amount of factions to play as...
  8. Alphadrop

    F:NV Mods

    Woops, just realised I meant Fellout rather than Nevada Skies.
  9. Alphadrop

    The Emperor demands...

    Reinstalled DoW II: Retribution to get some Krieg on. Still prefer the older one pre-Soulstorm which nerfed basically the game but it's easier to find peeps playing Retri.
  10. Alphadrop

    F:NV Mods

    Nevada Skies I always use, beauties up the game a treat. Never felt Vegas really needed that many core mechanic mods so I mostly just use the aesthetic ones. Oh and the J Sawyer's mod, for the added Sawyer.
  11. Alphadrop

    Any suggestions? I'm yearning for a new(old) game

    Fate of Atlantis is Lucasarts. :P How about Arcanum? Pretty chilled atmosphere coupled with Fallout-esque story progression and it's steampunk/magic setting is bloody awesome. Also cheap on GoG atmo like everything else.
  12. Alphadrop

    inXile and Unity crowdsourcing Wasteland 2 3D models

    Shiny, might give it a fiddle over the weekend, or several weekends depending on how much Unity differs from ol' 3dsMax.
  13. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Watching a group of people LP and dissect the Walking Dead, not watching too much of it because you're right, that's some ace writing with ace voice actors added onto an ace story, so I'mma gonna get it when it's next on sale. Makes up for their Jurassic Park game being crap.
  14. Alphadrop

    I dig this GOG promotion for indie games

    Resonance, Blackwell Bundle, Anomaly Warzone, Geneforge... darn one short. Maybe Defcon. Same problem I had with their Interplay sale, got half the games already. :V
  15. Alphadrop

    Wasteland 2 tidbits; design review done

    Bets that doodle will turn up somewhere in Wasteland 2.
  16. Alphadrop

    world's first input device with always online DRM

    WoW actually the macro buttons on the side help with the godawful amount of abilities you get. One of me mates uses a Razer mouse, keyboard and headset. Are good mice though, mainly because the R.A.T looks like a part of a T800 terminator.
  17. Alphadrop

    Animation thread

    Whenever I see the Big O I always wonder what Bruce Wayne is doing with a mech. :V Love me some Cowboy Bebop, the movie got me into anime and the series cemented my like of 90's cyberpunk. Like Black Lagoon as well but couldn't find the last arc with the katana wielding chap in it. Kinda...
  18. Alphadrop

    world's first input device with always online DRM

    I wasn't aware I could pirate a mouse from PB. Learn something every day. More seriously this is just dumb, glad I use Logitech instead.
  19. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    ODST's got a little low compared to the others, odd really as it had a good story and actual memorable characters. Reach fixed that problem though.