But best title ever!
In a "coming out of nowhere" moment, inXile has announced that they're partnering with Unity to crowdsource some of the models they'll use for Wasteland 2. And yes, before you ask, the artists that made the model will be both credited and paid.
Here's how it will work out:<blockquote>Submission Notes
1. Download and read our Art Style Guide to get a sense of the Wasteland 2 visual style. (link here)
2. Check this site weekly for the gallery of art assets we are currently looking for. Pick one (or more if you’re quick!) that you’d like to work on.
3. Spend the week creating the asset and try it out in our test scene available for download in Unity (link here).
- This test scene will give you a sense of how it looks under our lighting and from our approximate camera view.
- If you don't already have the free version of Unity, grab it here. http://unity3d.com/unity/download/
4. Submit it to the Unity Asset Store as you would normally, but make sure to clearly put "hold for inXile entertainment" in the description.
- Unity will send us all accepted assets and we will select the best ones for our game.
5. If yours is selected, we will pay you for the asset and you will receive a special "As seen is Wasteland 2" badge to place on your icon in the Unity Asset Store.
- You will also be credited in the Wasteland 2 game for your contribution (not to mention the satisfaction of showing this off to all your friends!).
- Please keep pricing in line with the normally accepted range in the Asset Store. Entries will be rejected if the price is too high.
6. Whether or not your asset is selected by the Wasteland 2 team, it will be available for purchase in the Unity Asset Store by any other developers using Unity.
</blockquote>We're also taking the liberty of rehosting both the concept art for the models they currently have on the contest page and the screenshots and concept art present in the art style guide:

Here's how it will work out:<blockquote>Submission Notes
1. Download and read our Art Style Guide to get a sense of the Wasteland 2 visual style. (link here)
2. Check this site weekly for the gallery of art assets we are currently looking for. Pick one (or more if you’re quick!) that you’d like to work on.
3. Spend the week creating the asset and try it out in our test scene available for download in Unity (link here).
- This test scene will give you a sense of how it looks under our lighting and from our approximate camera view.
- If you don't already have the free version of Unity, grab it here. http://unity3d.com/unity/download/
4. Submit it to the Unity Asset Store as you would normally, but make sure to clearly put "hold for inXile entertainment" in the description.
- Unity will send us all accepted assets and we will select the best ones for our game.
5. If yours is selected, we will pay you for the asset and you will receive a special "As seen is Wasteland 2" badge to place on your icon in the Unity Asset Store.
- You will also be credited in the Wasteland 2 game for your contribution (not to mention the satisfaction of showing this off to all your friends!).
- Please keep pricing in line with the normally accepted range in the Asset Store. Entries will be rejected if the price is too high.
6. Whether or not your asset is selected by the Wasteland 2 team, it will be available for purchase in the Unity Asset Store by any other developers using Unity.
</blockquote>We're also taking the liberty of rehosting both the concept art for the models they currently have on the contest page and the screenshots and concept art present in the art style guide: