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  1. laclongquan

    Why do you think that modern Fallout don't let you dow hat you coul do with Miria?

    It's in the age of people didnt have 53 gender selection, so they can be as wild as they want. Although, i dont think New Vegas is too tame, however~ We didnt have samething, but Mistress Joana dont have same equivalent in Fallout 2 either, or Fisto "assuming position".
  2. laclongquan

    FNV Viva New Vegas Eye Strain

    If you have eyestrain it's possible you set the screen resolution too high and the refresh rate too low. Check desktop resolution and set it to something lik 70hz, 1280~ first and raise it higher step by step. But 70hz is about standard in making it not too straining. Just because you CAN set...
  3. laclongquan

    Genuinely think I hate fallout modding.

    Go screaming about it in nvse and its pluggin thread/discord~ Here that is useless~
  4. laclongquan

    How Long Can Ghouls Live Without Water

    I am pretty much on the side that ghouls need water (body function, BIOLOGY!) and Coffin Willie just bragged out of his ass. As some people said above: he's in a closed space, cant tell the passage of time. If you want to use his statement as a basis to do your thing... expect to be laughed at...
  5. laclongquan

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    Sound like your driver (or some app related to that) auto updating? Check that?
  6. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    My original memory is that survival and perception affect position of party in encounters (you are perceptive and or skilled to appear in beneficial position once encountering something). I am unsure this memory start with Fallout2 (instead of 1), but definite with Ettu.
  7. laclongquan

    I created hundreds of awesome pictures from the wasteland using Midjourney v5

    Yeah, eyeing shedevrum for the 1st time just this morning~
  8. laclongquan

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    There are several reasons it could lead to a sudden problem with FNV in MO2 1. You might have misclick on the right window panel and sorting it based on alphabet instead of priority number. This could lead to unloadable some of the case, but in other case it could load alright, but buggy in...
  9. laclongquan

    I created hundreds of awesome pictures from the wasteland using Midjourney v5

    Incidentally, do you guys have any site that allow browsing created images? seem to stop that free service so I have nothing now.
  10. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    When people play Fallout 1in2, they would expect to play with F2 features, not F1. The story and quest are already same as original, if the features are the same there's just no point at all. AT. ALL. So the default config is F2 feature, not F1. And we like it that way, thus no one complaint.
  11. laclongquan

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    Moving an army necessary to control multiple locations in wild country, as well as the DC ruins... yeah, that would be too expensive to move them across the continent from California to DC, especially in post apocalyptic world. So certain personel, like Autumn, may be from Oil Rig, California...
  12. laclongquan

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    Fallout4 is just without any hope to cure. So go for a different game like Frost or Statesec is about your only choice. There's just no cure: when writings are bad, there's no fix.
  13. laclongquan

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    There's a recommendation to try two total conversion projects Frost. It change timeline, and more importantly, change setting to frozen nuclear winter setting. A much different game than vanilla F4. Obscurum IV Statesec. Basically a different game within framework of Fallout4. Why? Because the...
  14. laclongquan

    Has Anyone Ever Noticed This Before?

    Named Ghouls in Fallout 1 and 2? There's none. There might be some female among the generic/profession ghouls, but no particular note as to whom.
  15. laclongquan

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    Enclave in DC... Hmmm.. Why do they drop down there, then? Based on Fallout2's Gecko plant event, I would guess they eardrop on Jefferson Memorial. Backdoor on computer, hidden surveillance, that sort of thing. They get reminded of Project Purity when the main computer get activated and...
  16. laclongquan

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    What do you mean F3 Enclave being remnant of Navarro? I dont remember anywhere in FNV and F3 said anything about the origin of F3 enclave army. The only link, IIRC, is that Colonel Autumn stopped Eyebot program, so one scientist send this Eyebot to Navarro... But it doesnt say anything about...
  17. laclongquan

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Another, not that we need it, proof that you just didnt play Fallout 3, and keep messing where you shouldnt. Ghouled Moira, unless you kill her before detonation (dont know why you would do it, but who know), would be outside of the Megaton ruins. Considering she is key NPC to a chain quest...
  18. laclongquan

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    I fucking give up. Boys, see that? I fucking give up. If you just want to close your eyes, close your ears, and dont even want to argue properly theres no point.
  19. laclongquan

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Words, words~ The loss of a town full of merchants in the center of the map, plus one player house... Does that even need to be said? Does Moira changed into a ghoul Moira and move to the bowel of Underworld even need to be said? Does Megaton refugees chasing after your ass in an encounter...
  20. laclongquan

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    What? What nonsense are you spouting about? Fallout 1 and 2 does show percentage tohit in combat... So what's this rambling all about? Norzan, what's your agenda? Did this guy even play Fallout 3? After nuking Megaton, there's quite a few reaction: Three Dogs quacking on radio, James...