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  1. D

    Josh Sawyer speaks about a possible future Fallout

    I'd like to see a system where your hp is (mostly) always just your hp. And the only way to increase durability would be base stats, story events like cybernetic implants, armor and the like. This is effectively the system used in BRP, Gamma World and Deus Ex. In the first two, your hp was just...
  2. D

    Damn straight.

    Damn straight.
  3. D

    Neither do I.

    Neither do I.
  4. D

    Torment: Tides of Numenera out on Early Access

    I really do want RPG's to do more of what FO1 did with the Water Chip and the Super Mutant Army. Gamers aren't really expected to participate on the level of, "Well if I have these water merchants deliver water to my Vault, that'll signal its existence to raiders." I immediately went, "Ahhh...
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    Torment: Tides of Numenera out on Early Access

    I'm intrigued by the idea of timed quests. I actually just talked about that recently with somebody. I always found it silly that RPG's have people just waiting on you to get done picking your arsehole before you bothered to get around to whatever vital task you said you were going to do.
  6. D

    If Obsidian or former BIS writers wrote Fallout 3's story?

    Knowing Chris Avellone? He's an existential sorta guy. Falls-from-Grace is a succubi who remains chaste and instead prefers intellectual and social intimacy to physical intimacy, her name being symbolic of the traumatic divorce from the natural state of succubi. She's an intellectual...
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    Heartache by the Number

    And see, this is what I'm arguing. Caesar doesn't view a clash of civilizations or trade as inherently a bad thing either, otherwise he wouldn't be trying to "settle" in New Vegas as his "Rome" or advocate Hegelian dialectic. More concretely, he uses frumentarii to infiltrate other cultures and...
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    Will we ever get to join the Enclave? Or otherwise explore their organization?

    Look, you're the only person here I've met who actually thinks he'd do well personally under that kind of system. Sort of like how every nerd secretly hopes the zombie apocalypse will prove them to be the superhero that they are. But besides that, I don't accept a "maybe" as a definite or...
  9. D

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    Oh yeah, we subsidize the shit out of corn here. I heard awhile back that we just threw out potatoes because nobody was buying them. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that's just a chip off the same block.
  10. D

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    I'd actually add commentary: It is absolutely wrong of thinking of eating as a chore or "biting the bullet." Unless your tastes change to accommodate an entirely new lifestyle then it's not really a lifestyle change, is it? Eating shouldn't be a chore and some vicious cycle of guilt-fasting. As...
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    Torment: Tides of Numenera out on Early Access

    In my case: Early Access. I stop paying attention to the hype machine nowadays. The game is out when it's out. Caring very deeply about things that don't exist yet is just a vicious cycle and it'll never serve you well.
  12. D

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    I don't disagree. The fact is you probably should be exercising since it does a panalopy of things like bring up your baseline stamina, which consequently, helps you deal with stress. And the thing is that despite being a beanpole, I actually have fairly good eating habits when I examine them...
  13. D

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    Well life sometimes is that unfair. But fairness has little to do with responsibility. In my case, I am a beanpole. I can eat the package of Snickers and not gain weight. But simultaneously, I find the idea of eating a whole pack kinda gross. There's a distinct difference between eating one and...
  14. D

    What GOTY tells us, and how it might affect Fallout.

    I'm going to take a moment to argue that. For one there are a lot of events that are ultimately external to the human will. And the human will is itself dependent on other antecedents (i.e. the health and functioning your neurons, whether you were brought up inside a tower and who your father...
  15. D

    Fallout's transformation by Bethesda - how well-known is it?

    I'd pick "recognized brandname amongst gamers." As in, a lot of people have heard of it, but never played it. If they've played it then they probably don't think of it as anything other than a typical Bethesda game that maybe has some older titles way back in the mists of time.
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    Tricksy Bethesda. Asked us what was in our pocketsss.

    Tricksy Bethesda. Asked us what was in our pocketsss.
  17. D

    Heartache by the Number

    Crimson Caravans and Silver Rush are intrinsically mercenary operations. The former may nominally be NCR, but they don't really value anything more than money. So it really shouldn't matter whether you're Legion or NCR really. I tend to go pacifistic since the ending does make it clear that...
  18. D

    You get to take over the Mojave with absolute power,

    Diplomatic terms with NCR are important for reasons people have already mentioned. Entities like Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan are things you want to keep around, even if NCR has no nominal stake in the area. I also wouldn't aggressively expand, as that rarely works well if you cannot...
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    What is wrong with our culture?

    Wow, that's up there with, "If you don't like the country, you should leave." Aside from just being callous, it misses the point. These things wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't understaffed and his hospital system wasn't doing everything it could to cut benefits, salaries and keep unions from...
  20. D

    DVL concurs. Also ass, butts, dicks and ass. Also a boob.

    DVL concurs. Also ass, butts, dicks and ass. Also a boob.