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  1. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    All that dumb superhero/comic book/manga shit in one thread

    I can't wait for the quips and sarcastic one-liners that's my favorite.
  2. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Got the coof. The only symptom is it feels like there is a vise around my skull.

    Got the coof. The only symptom is it feels like there is a vise around my skull.
  3. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Where I play and review the Yakuza series

    Yeah, I'll buy it in 8 years when it's $20 on sale.
  4. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Where I play and review the Yakuza series

    I enjoyed Team Ninja's other games so I'm excited to see if it can surpass those.
  5. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Where I play and review the Yakuza series

    Kiryu lookin' smooth with the fresh cut.
  6. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Arthur is busy posting about his Neurosyphilis actually.
  7. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Same here, how does that site still have a user base when, I, the everyman get repeatedly banned for mere words? A slip of the textual tongue? So what if I say 'faggot' or called some men from the Islamic parts of the world 'camel fucking sand niggers', it's just a bit of banter. All in good fun.
  8. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    If you're going to be sick, do it away from me you sickly bitch.

    If you're going to be sick, do it away from me you sickly bitch.
  9. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Evidently so, as he recently learned. Pitbulls are crazy too, fortunately, we learned that from...

    Evidently so, as he recently learned. Pitbulls are crazy too, fortunately, we learned that from watching cartel videos.
  10. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    My brother has repeatedly proven that the age-old adage 'don't stick your dick in crazy' is...

    My brother has repeatedly proven that the age-old adage 'don't stick your dick in crazy' is solid advice. Poor bastard.
  11. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I can't stand Deku, he's such a fucking limp-wristed crybaby faggot.
  12. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    I know this is heresy, but I like Fallout 76

    Wasn't the development at least partially government funded? I remember them getting some grants to work on the game.
  13. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Kamille is literally me.