It Wandered In From the Wastes

I mean I guess. You mention having a good message in the song, I feel like the message of that song is that you shouldn't be depressed just because you're fat. It's preferable to typical pop music because it's actually saying something. It's also very rare someone who's not insanely attractive becomes famous. I find it interesting that this person just looks like any random person one might see on the street. I've never had a weight problem so I don't really know but I imagine there's not a lot of content like that for these people.Again, what happened to black music. You mention an obese black woman, glorifying obesity, saying "bitch" in every verse and THEY are in the top billboards? What happened to black music on the radio? It's terrible.
Not saying everything has to sound like oldey timey motown, but even R. Kelly had a positive message in his songs and that dude is a creep. The stuff these days seems to pump all bad messages.