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  1. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The Citadel part sucked. Once you get out of it, and into the tick of it, it gets much better.
  2. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    It's a pretty damned good game. 10 years ago, the RPG elements wouldn't have really stood up too well, but nowadays compared to all other programs, the CRPG elements are fairly good, graphics and story are terrific. It's got plenty of gametime to it as well, good times will be had stick with it.
  3. Dove

    The Witcher Thread

    Yeah, both are from newcomers, from Eastern Europe (I think, not sure about Stalker). It's great for innovation, but they should have collaborated with a big company to optimize performance.
  4. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Lego Batman. (fuck off I like it) FIFA 09 Maybe I'll get a copy of Deus Ex. I played it on console the first time. Probably much better on PC.
  5. Dove

    The Witcher Thread

    Hang in there. I thought the first 10-15 hours were pretty droll. About half way through the murder investigation it starts getting good, and gets great near the end.
  6. Dove

    Dirt cheap video cards

    It's not about affording it, it's about wasting money on this hp. Besides I ordered an 8600 gts for about fifty bucks, look at my last post.
  7. Dove

    Dirt cheap video cards

    8600 gts for $51.82 USD
  8. Dove

    The Witcher Thread

    I get him really drunk and stagger around. W00T!1
  9. Dove

    Dirt cheap video cards

    I know they are shit cards, but they're replacing an X1300 that don't work anymore, so it'll be a vast improvement over X200 integrated. And I don't want to waste any more money than I must to get by.
  10. Dove

    Dirt cheap video cards

    8600 gts 8800 gts 2600 xt 2900 xt Which one should I get to replace a burned out X1300. Not opening boxes to put in teh good stuff in this hp. All of them well under $100, which would perform the best for the price.
  11. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Warhammer always will. I can't wait for 40k online. FOR THE EMPEROR!
  12. Dove

    Alone in the Dark (teh Dove's review)

    Exactly swa. Bugs and control issues didn't keep me from loving the Fallout series, so it's not stopping me from having a great time with Alone in the Dark. Recommendation. I don't know what the issue is with the inventory. It works fine for me when I learned the secret. I use a Saitek...
  13. Dove

    Alone in the Dark (teh Dove's review)

    Then you're going to miss out. It's a damned good experience.
  14. Dove

    Alone in the Dark (teh Dove's review)

    Bad press is all I've heard about it. Dauntless I proceed with torturing myself to gain my own opinion. First off. My PC is below the minimum specs, but I managed to get it to play with a few tweaks I've found. The most notable was increasing the processing priority to high, since my single...
  15. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Alone in the Dark. Fantastic storytelling, and cinematics. Crappy control, but I can live with it.
  16. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yer. Bionic Commando Rearmed is fucking awesome. How did they take a hard ass game and make it harder? Still stuck at the Albatross mechanical rooms... It is a blast though. /edit: Haha. I remember playing one of those on my old KayProII.
  17. Dove

    New Warhammer 40K Game

    Yeah the alpha buld was pretty buggy, here's a better build with multiplayer examples
  18. Dove

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I enjoyed it to a certain extent. Too bubblegum for me though. Stopped playing after it started really crashing, always had sound problems with it, but it was a fun distraction. Current list: 1) San Andreas. Runs great on my machine and always has been fun. Might ditch it for GTA III though...
  19. Dove

    Who else is on the 4870x2 bandwagon?

    Depends on what mobo I get, I might just cancel the nVidia one. I got sold on the intel processor with nVidia chipset.