Bad press is all I've heard about it. Dauntless I proceed with torturing myself to gain my own opinion.
First off. My PC is below the minimum specs, but I managed to get it to play with a few tweaks I've found. The most notable was increasing the processing priority to high, since my single core AMD doesn't cut the mustard. Set all graphics as low as possible due to my hamster getting tired spinning my X1300.
Now, lowest settings and all, I thought the graphics would suck balls. I was wrong. Even on the lowest settings this game looks better than some I play on high, or highest possible at 1024/758 my preferred resolution. Decent frame rate as well during parts where it's zoomed. Zoom out and it slugs a bit, but still acceptable. If I had all my parts together for my new juggernaut system, this game would be far too gorgeous to behold.
Sound. Wow. The music is some of the best I've heard in a while. Very fitting for the ambiance.
Controls. They suck. Hands down some of the worst play mechanics I've had the pleasure of trying. Not the ideas behind them, the execution. It's just a damned hard game to play. Given some tweaks, and made more fluid and user friendly, it would kick ass.
Story. Well, the story so far has been as engaging as they get. The game makes you feel like Edward Carnby (demon killer). His attitude inspires me at least. Pretty much cut and paste stuff, but it works really well together. It's much more on par with the best of Silent Hill, than even the recent Silent Hill games.
A very much underrated game. I know some of you guys out there can look beyond the bad, and savor the good. That's why we're Fallout fans. I apologize in advance for the driving parts. There's nothing good about them, but hey. It's part of the package.
First off. My PC is below the minimum specs, but I managed to get it to play with a few tweaks I've found. The most notable was increasing the processing priority to high, since my single core AMD doesn't cut the mustard. Set all graphics as low as possible due to my hamster getting tired spinning my X1300.
Now, lowest settings and all, I thought the graphics would suck balls. I was wrong. Even on the lowest settings this game looks better than some I play on high, or highest possible at 1024/758 my preferred resolution. Decent frame rate as well during parts where it's zoomed. Zoom out and it slugs a bit, but still acceptable. If I had all my parts together for my new juggernaut system, this game would be far too gorgeous to behold.
Sound. Wow. The music is some of the best I've heard in a while. Very fitting for the ambiance.
Controls. They suck. Hands down some of the worst play mechanics I've had the pleasure of trying. Not the ideas behind them, the execution. It's just a damned hard game to play. Given some tweaks, and made more fluid and user friendly, it would kick ass.
Story. Well, the story so far has been as engaging as they get. The game makes you feel like Edward Carnby (demon killer). His attitude inspires me at least. Pretty much cut and paste stuff, but it works really well together. It's much more on par with the best of Silent Hill, than even the recent Silent Hill games.
A very much underrated game. I know some of you guys out there can look beyond the bad, and savor the good. That's why we're Fallout fans. I apologize in advance for the driving parts. There's nothing good about them, but hey. It's part of the package.