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  1. F


    You're either clueless or lying. Xbox 360's GPU is based on the Radeon X1800 series released in 2005-2006. PS3's is based on Nvidia G70 aka N47 released during the same period. See the relevant wikipedia articles for additional sources. Those are weak old chips, but a far cry from late 90s...
  2. F


    Xbox schmecksbox bla bla bla. Did you hear that the new Mortal Kombat is finally coming to PC? Now that's good news.
  3. F

    Diablo 3 for the ps3??

    The PS3 version will work offline so there goes Blizz's paper-thin "durr auction house" excuse. They did it because they wanted DRM.
  4. F

    If you could have one super power..

    I want to have the power to see everyone naked. Hurr hurr hurr.
  5. F

    Bombs over Boston

    Islamist radicals tend to be very pro-gun and conservative, though. Not trolling, just pointing it out to make sure you realize this.
  6. F

    The Iron Lady.

    She was an awful, callous politician who made life worse for millions.
  7. F

    LucasArts destroyed by Disney's Death Star

    Yup, the Talay Tak base was one of the scariest areas I've experienced in video games, at least it was back in the day. I doubt Disney will ever give out a license to create a similar SW game. They're more likely to do Jar Jar Binks Stories.
  8. F

    What is your most impressed weapon?

    This weapon is so impressed with the Arma 3 alpha that it does this:
  9. F

    Simcity(2012) crysis

    It's 2013, not 2012.
  10. F

    So I played the Old Republic. . .

    Go stand in a corner.
  11. F

    Need help! Can't enter a site but my friends can.

    For starters you could try loading the site through a free anonymizer like Hidemyass or Anonymouse. I've had trouble with certain sites because of the servers that they use for displaying ads. For example PC Gamer sometimes won't load for months unless I use the Noscript addon for Firefox to...
  12. F

    Meteor strike in Russia

    Oh, sure. Except sea levels will rise and many heavily populated coastal areas will be flooded. Like the Netherlands, for instance.
  13. F

    Meteor strike in Russia

    I'm not saying it was aliens, was aliens :D
  14. F

    Impire: a spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper (sorta)

    This was just released a few days ago. I've only played the first mission, because I don't have time right now, but it already looks like a very charming game. The voice acting and music are surprisingly good too. There are some bugs such as the options menu freezing and vsync not working for...
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    Meteor strike in Russia

    Yes, Russian scientists have already determined that it tastes great with vodka.
  16. F

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    I checked out Vimeo's guidelines: How bizarre...
  17. F

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    Why was the Vimeo video removed? Another bogus DMCA takedown?
  18. F

    Bad things of fo1,2?

    Do you even know when these games were released? Pre-rendered graphics at sub-HD resolution were standard in the late 1990s, especially in RPGs. How can you judge an old game by current standards? That's ridiculous. So? Do you avoid reading books because they make you feel "less realistic"...