Simcity(2012) crysis


Vault Senior Citizen
I heard EA makes lots of problem with simcity.
I wonder why this happening discussed in this forum :D .
For me, not that a big problem. In fact it was great chance to get Dead space 3 for free. :lol: :lol:

Anyway, another noticeable thing is dismissal of EA's CEO.
I don't know this would be bad thing or good thing though.
Crysis is set in Simcity?

Makes sense.

Sorry, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title.

I say good riddance. They are a major company; a fuck-up this big should not go unpunished. Maybe now they will treat their customers decently and stop killing off IPs.
fedaykin said:
It's 2013, not 2012.
Oops.. my mistake
sea said:
I (kind of) appreciated what John tried to do for the company, that is, pull it away from crappy licensed games and putting more emphasis on original properties. Only thing is, EA are such a massive company and require such huge sales for things to even make a dent in their stocks that most of their "successful" titles recently actually did more harm than good. On top of that, I don't think he really knew what gamers wanted - this last few years EA have basically just been doing catch-up with whatever else is popular at the moment, making their own off-brand Call of Duty, God of War, Resident Evil, Gears of War etc.

While in some respects he was an incompetent buffoon, I think he was trying to push more creative games rather than endless sports titles and rushed movie tie-ins, and that's more than you can say about many other games industry executives.

The debacle that is SimCity 5 is more Maxis' fault and less the upper EA management's.
Since I know very little things about EA, I was thought it was all EA's fault like other guys. But your opinion makes sense. some of guy said CEO of EA did his best for making good game. now I understand why they said it.

But it is surprise to maxis to make such stupid mistake.
Maxis troubles with SimCity has brought a lot of interesting information out about them.

I read that they made an active decision with Spore to dumb it down and bail on their goals with it for better sales. They figured they could aspire for less and make more money.

It's sad to see a company that once had such a strong reputation falter more and more.
sea said:
The debacle that is SimCity 5 is more Maxis' fault and less the upper EA management's.

You think so? While SimCity 2013 isn't a good game by any means from what I've heard, I doubt that the "DRM in disguise" was Maxis' idea. In fact one year ago they had stated that you would have needed online only to start playing.

A guy on NeoGaf proposed an interesting theory:

I'm starting to think SimCity started as some F2P game under EA Play4Free label. But sometime during developement EA changed their mind and converted game to be retail release.
Everything suggests that - smaller regions, UI in javascript, using only one CPU core for computing, forced multiplayer.

Who would call the shots in a case like that?
sea said:
Most of the lead designers and project directors have long since been replaced by people coming over from EA, so is it any surprise they are more concerned with sales and widening audiences than anything else?

Seriously, you can say a lot of things about development studios, but not that they replaced ~*rEaL ARtiSts*~ with corporate whores. Does the publisher dictate some elements? Yes, they do. Does that mean developers are more concerned with sales than developing the game?

Fuck no.
Uh, no, that's the job of Project Directors and Lead Designers. I've yet to see tangible proof that EA is some sort of feudal kingdom, as you imply, sea.
After what EA / Maxis did to one of my favourite franchises I'm rather happy that the end result of Sim City was an unmitigated shit storm.

I'll stick with Sim City 4 thanks.