Meteor strike in Russia

Guess B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams isn't topping Russian charts anytime soon. And neither is Jesse Garon.

zegh8578 said:
pipboy-x11 said:
zegh8578 said:
We're lucky most countries - when seen from afar - consist of a bunch of landscape, with little population centres as concentrated spots in between.
Lots of missing oportunity for any incoming projectile.

Well, this one exploded right above a densely populated city, 27 kilometers (16 miles) above the ground. People there are just extremely lucky that it didn't hit the ground or exploded about couple of miles from the surface. There would be a small Tunguska incident right in the center of the city.

A small reminder for everyone that there are some real dangers in the Universe, much more real than Satan or Global Warming...

Ah yes, my mistake, I read "Urals" and assumed mostly small populations. I always find strange to imagine large cities in such remote places, but yes, that is lucky. That's a huge lot of potential annihilation, manifesting in merely broken windows and some injuries.

Well, you've got a lot of industry in the Urals, partly owing to the natural mineral richness of this mountainous area, and partly because a lot of that was evacuated from the more westerly areas at the outset of WWII. So yeah, big population centres and quite big potential for destruction. Not as big as Moscow (or Tokyo, or New York, or Paris, or wherever fictional meteorites always seem to hit), but significant.

Tagaziel said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Has Tiberium come out yet?

Technically, it'd be called Miassium or Chelyabium.

Why not simply Uralium?
alec said:
Sure, the astronomically small chance of a meteorite/asteroid crashing into Earth and doing major damage is a far bigger danger than global warming.

Where do we find these new members?

There was this bargain sale on defunct forums a while ago, I guess we went a little crazy on purchasing.
alec said:
Sure, the astronomically small chance of a meteorite/asteroid crashing into Earth and doing major damage is a far bigger danger than global warming.

I'm tired of this global warming alarmism everywhere... Are you another one to believe that nonsense about Venus being Earth-like once and it being killed by "global warming"?

Dude, we're coming from a small ice age now. Iceland was a green warm island around 1300s. The Earth didn't even warm up to the same level yet. And it will warm up - regardless of humans activity. Still a nice way to create panics and speculations - like Dupont did in 1980s with CFC prohibition panic.

Asteroid crash happens rarely, but when it hits - it kills virtually everything on the planet.

alec said:
Where do we find these new members?

Maybe I don't have the same amount of free time as you to post 15k of messages on forum at the same time scale, but this doesn't exactly make me "new" here. You'd better keep those elitism attempts where sun never shines. Having enough free time to post 1500 messages per year, 5 messages per day every day, 7 days a week for ten years, doesn't make you cool in any way, actually.
pipboy-x11 said:
I'm tired of this global warming alarmism
You mean science? Because there's been a scientific consensus since the '70s that we're causing global warming. And that consensus has only grown. That whole 'debate' you saw a decade ago? That wasn't actually a scientific debate, it was a purely political debate -- because the scientific debate on whether or not it's happening occurred decades earlier.
It's happening. All the data points in that direction, all the scientific studies do. In fact, there really isn't a single reason to believe that the earth isn't warming beyond normal fluctuations over time, and that man is causing that. There is no scientific controversy here. Every single scientific body recognizes that global warming is real, problematic and man-made. You really need to understand that, and the arguments you're citing have been debunked ages ago.

So unless you think you know more about climate change than the scientists who have studied it for their entire career, maybe you should re-think your beliefs.

pipboy-x11 said:
Maybe I don't have the same amount of free time as you to post 15k of messages on forum at the same time scale, but this doesn't exactly make me "new" here. You'd better keep those elitism attempts where sun never shines. Having enough free time to post 1500 messages per year, 5 messages per day every day, 7 days a week for ten years, doesn't make you cool in any way, actually.
Cut out these bullshit personal insults.
Global warming sounds overly dramatic, i prefer climate change. Earths climate has and will be changing, our life spans are to short no notice this otherwise i'm sure we would see that as normal. Human role in all this is not as large as media would have us believe but it's not negligible either. I think we influenced climate a bit but not enough to render the whole planet inhospitable, not yet.

pipboy-x11 said:
Are you another one to believe that nonsense about Venus being Earth-like once and it being killed by "global warming"?

I think Venus is too close to the sun to hold liquid water.

Sander said:
Cut out these bullshit personal insults.

He asked for it.
Regardless if GW is man caused or not, GW only means we are heading towards another ice age. Planet needs a good disaster anyway. To keep the population in check. I don't want the future residents of Earth eating Soilent Green.

donperkan said:
Human role in all this is not as large as media would have us believe...

The media, fearmongering? No........!!!!!
donperkan said:
Global warming sounds overly dramatic, i prefer climate change. Earths climate has and will be changing, our life spans are to short no notice this otherwise i'm sure we would see that as normal. Human role in all this is not as large as media would have us believe but it's not negligible either. I think we influenced climate a bit but not enough to render the whole planet inhospitable.
Inhospitable? No one's claiming it'll be inhospitable. Just a lot less hospitable. I'd also rather listen to science than to media, and given "the media" has actually played into the global warming denial movement for quite some time, science is a lot more dramatic about the consequences.

donperkan said:
Sander said:
Cut out these bullshit personal insults.

He asked for it.
And no backseat moderating, thanks.
mobucks said:
Regardless if GW is man caused or not, GW only means we are heading towards another ice age. Planet needs a good disaster anyway. To keep the population in check. I don't want the future residents of Earth eating Soilent Green.

Sander said:
Inhospitable? No one's claiming it'll be inhospitable. Just a lot less hospitable. I'd also rather listen to science than to media, and given "the media" has actually played into the global warming denial movement for quite some time, science is a lot more dramatic about the consequences.

Climate shifting doesn't mean large parts of the planet will be either ice or sand. Moderate areas will still be present. The population will just have to relocate to those areas. The most realistic predictions say that subtropical belts will largely remain unchanged, sure winters will be colder and summers will be warmer but between those two temperatures will still be moderate.

Sander said:
And no backseat moderating, thanks.

I'm just standing up for sir pip like you are for alec but ok, i'll drop it.
donperkan said:
Moderate areas will still be present.
Oh, sure. Except sea levels will rise and many heavily populated coastal areas will be flooded. Like the Netherlands, for instance.
And new york, don't forget new york :twisted:

Even when that happens the world will still be spinning.
Sander said:
You mean science? Because there's been a scientific consensus since the '70s that we're causing global warming. And that consensus has only grown. That whole 'debate' you saw a decade ago? That wasn't actually a scientific debate, it was a purely political debate -- because the scientific debate on whether or not it's happening occurred decades earlier.
It's happening. All the data points in that direction, all the scientific studies do. In fact, there really isn't a single reason to believe that the earth isn't warming beyond normal fluctuations over time, and that man is causing that. There is no scientific controversy here. Every single scientific body recognizes that global warming is real, problematic and man-made. You really need to understand that, and the arguments you're citing have been debunked ages ago.
with the fear to start a new "global warming is an hoax" argument ...

But I am not so sure like you are. Although yes, there are many serious scientific reports. But the climate is a very complex field which is touching on many different fields each with their own experts.

You know what is funny. When you get several experts in an single room then they will eventually get to different conclusions. I am not saying you're wrong and I hope you don't see this as provocation or anything. But I think we should not forget that scientists are just people too. People which want to earn money with what they do which is research, publications and so on. They are not bad people or necessarily wrong.

But global warming is a very popular scientific field just like genetics, and when something is popular then it can happen that something gets blown up. Like how it happened with genetics where many seriously believed that we would have soon enough engineered babies where parents could chose the colour of the eyes and all that. But genetics isn't even so far to tell actually what is really responsible for the colours of the eyes - not all of the gene which involve it are yet identified leave alone to change them.

The issue with global warming is that it feels like driving with your truck over a frozen lake. They tell you the ice might brake. But you don't know where this will happen or if that is even 100%. A reasonable decision would be to drive around it just to be sure. Sadly we don't do that. We continue with the pollution like there is no ice that "might" break.

I do believe though and this is the only part that we can clearly say is true, that humans change their environment in many negative ways which leads to a lot of problems and that we have to reduce the pollution as much as possible or to avoid it completely.

If we achieve this goal by making people scared from "global warming", so be it.
Crni Vuk said:
with the fear to start a new "global warming is an hoax" argument ...

But I am not so sure like you are.
And yet, I'll trust the broad group of scientists educated in the subject over your opinion which is, essentially, not based on any research. And so should you.

Crni Vuk said:
Although yes, there are many serious scientific reports. But the climate is a very complex field which is touching on many different fields each with their own experts.

You know what is funny. When you get several experts in an single room then they will eventually get to different conclusions. I am not saying you're wrong and I hope you don't see this as provocation or anything. But I think we should not forget that scientists are just people too. People which want to earn money with what they do which is research, publications and so on. They are not bad people or necessarily wrong.
See, people say this, but they don't realize what the implications are. You know what gets published? Material that says something new and innovative, not something that rehashes the same topics again. So there is a massive incentive for scientists to find that global warming isn't real. Do you know how much publicity and money you'd get if you could show that? And yet, we don't see that research surfacing anywhere.

In addition, all the business money (and there's a lot more money in business than there is in academia) is located on the anti-global warming side, which is why we had that whole political debate. And yet, we see an extremely broad consensus that global warming is real and is happening among scientists.

So the incentives are aligned in such a way that you would expect any and all evidence that global warming isn't real and isn't caused by humans to surface quickly and prolifically. That's how the system is aligned. But we don't see that at all.
Like you would worry about that. As far as we know Lizard people might be actually the reason for global warming!

and as usually sander misunderstood my intentions like as I said that we should not trust scientists or the research they do. Just that we should take everything with a grain of salt. Just like with anything that gets thrown out to the public.
Further proof that Russians are indeed the craziest people on the planet.

It's like it's his normal commute to work.

:clap: ,
The Vault Dweller
Sub-Human said:
It is already believed that this might have been a rocket intercepting another one. Zoomed-in 'footage' shows an object flying into the meteor, causing an explosion, and then casually flying away. Funnily enough, searches for the remains of this 'meteor' involved 20 thousand soldiers but have suddenly stopped.

There were a few reports that I came across, trying to find them again, claiming that a Russian missile defense installation tracked, locked and fired on the meteor in question and they had a probable intercept on it.

Will surface again if I can find a reliable source.